The Iowa / Penn State football game is a MARKER. The end of the old guard. The hunters have become the hunted and the riggers are being laughed at.
Our forever President is HOT tonight. He's fucking things up. And in, of all places, IOWA. And Iowa beat Penn State. No man scripted what we are seeing tonight. And the men/women who have been, and are still trying to script the game, are about their fate.
Among commenters anons are outnumbered 10:1. But that's okay. The 90% commenters are about to meet their fate. That's why they are here, filled with fear, hiding in their room behind their computer screen screeching their lungs out . Meanwhile, anons be watching.
FACE IT would be gods of the world. Your day is over, never to be seen again. Oh, you say I'm wrong and your side is winning? You are weaklings, you've always been weaklings and you know it. It's only going to take the word of 2 men to end it it for you. Yep, the peoples of the world are waiting for Trump and Putin to speak.