daughter and I were driving home one evening and went down a really weird street by accident. It was odd because it is a small town and we know all the streets. I do costume design on the side and we passed a wig store. Sometimes I use my daughter as a model. She noticed the store and asked if we could go there. I told her I'd take her back the next day and planned on going to the coffee shop next door too. We thought it so weird that both of those stores were put in and we didn't notice.
I kept my word and took her back the next morning and we couldn't find the wig store. We couldn't find the entire street we drove on. We drove up and down every single street and side road and it was gone. All gone.
Went home and googled both the wig store and the coffee shop and got nothing.
If I was alone I would have passed it off. But she was with me and saw it too. The whole street vanished over night. Been looking for it ever since. I don't know what exactly happened but it's similar to what others call a time slip or a glitch in the matrix