No information obtained over anonymous insecure networks, built to intelligence agency specs, as the internet was, can be trusted.
The internet was designed to be irremediably insecure by intel agencies to facilitate illicit commerce and permit universal surveillance.
We've exposed gross lies propagated by legacy media, but less evident more serious damage is done silently, by subliminal embeds, subsonics and technologies to manipulate memory and perception by hypnotic induction most of which happening below the viewers’ threshold of conscious awareness.
Anyone can inject toxic self-replicating material into content streams over anonymous insecure networks. Network users cognitive autonomy and physical security rests on the integrity of the network which serves to connect them. Our internet is not only insecure by design, it is irremediably insecure by design. It doesn’t have to be that way, but it is that way.
what a mind virus is.
self-replicating information, meme or media content people share and which changes behavior.
Memes are self-replicating, behavior modifying information packages. They replicate in our minds and spread on social networks, fissioning as they are shared at different rates
Most memes are dependent on, and limited to, the cultural medium in which they propagate – the mind space of users –but not all - certain memes will cross all cultural borders, leaping even linguistic barriers – always because they are universal in some respect.
Memes that cross linguistic, cultural and ideological divides, which possess that universal quality, are the MOABS of IW.
Each of these MOABs represents a unique creative act, the hunter killer torpedoes of truth weaving through the sea of low-quality information in our shared mind space to destroy low quality ideas implanted, often in youth or infancy by legacy media mind control and social subversion programming.
Eventually, when enough meme pay loads of low error, truthful information accumulate in an individual mind the belief system is transformed in a “conversion experience” where memes self-assemble in a “road to Damascus moment.” The individual awakens with the realization the mockingbirds betrayed us all.
The better the quality of information circulating among us, the less error it contains, the more truthful it is qualitatively, the better people we are.
The objective of circulating true (low error) information is to improve every individual’s understanding enough so a person can understand the danger of lies in nonlinear psycho-spiritual environments like networked mind space.
Information is a substance our brains run on – if we consume large quantities of low-quality information our capacity to understand the world will be limited. This is called “Information Poisoning.”
Our poisoned, low-quality information environment has been fostered by the satanist controlled media networks, producers and promoters and advertisers. We the People are controlled, guided and limited by the quality of our information, news or “entertainment.” If we consume uncontaminated, low error, high quality information, created by honest human beings intended for the benefit of all, we improve our ability to understand the universe, our species and the lyrics to Ultimate Spinach songs.
Key technical decisions were manipulated by the CIA. Vint Cerf in a google talk, describes how the host protocol of the internet, IPV 4, was a demo protocol with unencrypted headers never meant to be used in actual service. Because Cerf was working on NSAs network - they did have encrypted headers - he was prohibited by the terms of his NDA to say nothing about it to his colleagues and he did not.
(Not sure this is the right video)
The people who built the internet built a network suitable to a community of research interested in collaboration' not theft, competition, espionage, and eavesdropping and anonymous child trafficking.
The internet can serve mankind ONLY is it is 1) Owned and controlled by the users as a utility 2) Is secure FOR everyone, because it is secure FROM everyone, including the engineers who build it. 3) Must be INTERNATIONAL project to assure design integrity and universal adoption.
Yes, it is possible to build such a network.
not a big one but a solid marker.
"It's a court of law, not justice."
- Oliver Wendel Homeboy
The "Department of Justice" is a building full of lawyers.
Justice? Government? Lawyers?
We could fill ten buildings with lawyers and they would no more produce justice than a bulldog will produce honey.
Partial list of DOJ employees.
lawyers with grease spotted ties, lawyers with strabismus, lawyers with TMJ, mumbling lawyers, dog faced lawyers, lawyers with leg braces, one eyed lawyers, rotten-tooth breathed lawyers, tattooed lawyers, limping lawyers, angry lawyers with knotted pulsing jaw muscles, blinking lawyers, aphasic lawyers, lawyers on three or more anti depressants, lawyers with huge watches, drug dealing lawyers, homo lawyers, garlic stinking lawyers, cutter lawyers, twitching lawyers, lawyers with obsessive disorders, suicidal lawyers, lawyers with taped glasses, snaky lawyer, sneaky creepy sociopath lawyers, lawyers with warts on their lips, lawyers with failed hair transplants, jelqing lawyers who tie weights to their penises, farting lawyers, herniated lawyers, bigamist lawyers, lawyers with speech impediments, pedophile lawyers, lawyers who sleep in their cars, lawyers with alopecia, 13 cat lawyers, leather pants wearing dyke lawyers, earnest lawyers, well intended lawyers, narcoleptic lawyers, lawyers who hate lawyers, tire sealant sniffing lawyers, black eyed lawyers, fish eyed lawyers, after shave drinking lawyers, squeaking nervous lawyers, lawyers with ambiguous genitalia, coughing lawyers, sneezing lawyers, lawyers who eat scabs, lawyers with psoriasis, whiny lawyers, perjurer lawyers, lawyers who spit when they talk, tourettes lawyer, lawyers with bushy nose hair, name dropping lawyers, gossiping lawyers, dead lawyers just left sitting in their office, unvaccinated lawyers, jabbering coked up lawyers, sea lawyers, car pooling lawyers, lawyers who grunt when they write, dyslexic lawyers, cannibal lawyers, wise cracking lawyers, clay eating lawyers, soft spoken, modest lawyers, bitter lawyers, onanistic lawyers, cowardly, backstabbing lawyers, clown lawyers, lawyers with bell's palsy, schizophrenic lawyers, dement lawyers, pedophile protecting mason lawyers, obese lawyers, anorexic lawyers, leperous lawyers, weasel-looking lawyers, card cheat lawyers, coprophage lawyers, doodling lawyers, lawyers with prosthetic noses, and no-business-being-born, insecure, junkyard lawyers.
If we were awake, "Department of Justice" set up and run as a permanent institution by the legal profession would be adequate warning.
Aby Warburg's Mnemosyne.
WAIT! Don't do it pedovore
Not until you read this post.
Pedovores, the Almighty having set his canon against suicide, it remains a statistical inevitability that a very high percentage of pedo cultists will chose to act in radical disobedience to God's will and ace themselves, regardless.
For that reason, we would draw the attention of all pedovores to alternatives to the fancy 3D printed "Death Pod" now on show at the Venice Biennial; where the with-it bloodlines shop for this n' that.
Your choices:Die in an untested, newfangled plastic smelling puce colored sneaker, subject to failure in the event of an EMP, DEW weapon attack or being hacked by the DARPA AI .
Choice 2
Heavily tested, proven deadly, the pinnacle of finely machined analog technology: The Kevorkian Auto Croaker. (tm)
Handcrafted analog technology preserves a much purer quantum wave form, is guaranteed proof again any EM interference, mass coronal ejections, blackouts, common uprisings, magnetosphere inversions and rooting by the DARPA AI.
Suicidal pedovores, God wants your repentance, not your eternal suffering and death. If you do choose to spurn His love, the Kervorkian Autocroaker(tm) may possibly be worth considering, as an alternative to being found dead in bubble wrap plastic display case with your veins full of cheap Guyanese zombie juice.'
Point 32a: Unsightly remains including protruding eyeballs are highly visible through the death pod viewing canopy, even minor celebrity clients should evaluate the chance of appearing on the front page the National Enquirer website like Elvis with a furled extruded tongue, lividity, 'slippage' and mottled skin (a result of light filtration by the semi transparent viewing lid of a 3D plastic sneaker)
There are seven suicides in Scripture from King Saul to Judas, and they’re always depicted negatively. They are never God’s plan for anybody’s life