watch the water
watch the water
There was a gang firefight in Chicago recently. Well, okay, there’s always a gang firefight in Chicago. This one seemed run-of-the-mill at first. There is internecine strife, I’m sure you’ll be stunned to hear, in the “Four Corner Hustlers” street gang. As a result, rival factions shot it out. Not in the dark of night, but in mid-morning, as though a brisk daylight gunfight were as routine as a jog along the river (provided, of course, that you wear your flak jacket and matching N95 mask). When the dust settled, one young man was dead and two were wounded.
Windy City police rounded up five of the gangbangers and brought them to prosecutors, expecting that each would be charged with commensurately serious felonies, including first-degree murder. The cops, however, were stunned when Foxx’s office released the suspects without any charges.
Why? Did the shooting not really happen? Oh, it happened all right. But there’s apparently a new law non-enforcement standard in Chicago: No indictments, even in brutal crossfire between rival criminals, because those criminals are — yes — mutual combatants.
They’re in gangs, get it? And if you’re in a gang, this is what you sign up for. Next case