Did they get Nancy Pelosi and her gangsters?
They are gangsters. They follow the money and if they aren't too stupid they get killed last.
When you meet Larry remind him that he is paying the the rent, groceries and tuition for9 families of illegal aliens who are going to be his managers, if he doesn't come up with something better.
Yes or No, Traitor.
The answer is Yes or No. Any other answer is aiding and abetting the cover up and exposes you as a willing accomplice.
All the shills who administered the shots are just as guilty of murder as every corporate officer.
I wasn't getting my fair share of the CV loot, man. There was nothing left after the Big Guy took his.
There is no such thing as a tranny. They are eunuchs. Extremely sick idiots, occassionally useful to tyrants. Breathing violations of the Geneva conventions and other laws. Call the ASPCA.
NKVD with digital cameras