"Nothing blows up in Florence without my okay!"
- Savonarola Anon
That's Larry, 21, a shill of little wit
and negligible capacity.
"A mind like a Havahart trap"
It was said; still,
He's dead, a permanent non-starter,
RIP Larry, he should have shilled harder.
Chant Down Babylon
If We the People do not control our communication network(s), then the networks are nothing more than MK apparatus. Just as the cult sought and acquired control of the railroad networks, and used that hidden control to control which towns grow and which would stagnate. By setting freight rates they could favor cult enterprise and thwart competition in non-obvious ways. The cult’s subterfuge disguised ownership and control, passing ownership through corporate shells and stock classes; cult control systems known as webs.
Already, people rely on ideologically partisan networks for information. Since partisan networks selectively amplify FUD and suppress facts contrary to partisan narratives, no single set of facts exists for We the People to argue over the interpretation of.
With no trusted information supply, in the middle of a multi polar information war, there is no method to determine which information is real, true and important and which is trivial, false and maliciously intended.
Computational civilization rests on information. The better, more accurate, the information, the less error it contains, the better a society performs by measures like the rate at which new, objectively true scientific knowledge is created.
Civilizations which fail to set a high value on information integrity for all citizens, are inevitably tyrannies where deception is the rule; communities which cannot, and do not, survive as advanced computational civilizations; but subside into barbarism, and ultimately, into collective, instinctual animal life.
Civilizations which set the highest value on the accuracy and integrity of their information supply view truth as a sacred, know that error correction and secure networking are essential to the maintenance of the life of all advanced, computation dependent civilizations.
The deep integration of computation into every sphere of human endeavor has supercharged our science and taken our civilization to an unfamiliar place, beyond material limitations, where the rules, God's rules, are the rules of the universe, and have their ultimate and mysterious source in the timeless properties of natural numbers.
The Moore Foundation was/is active in the upper Amazon. For some reason.
That's region where the indigenous tribal people believe all white people are cannibals. For some reason.
1 serene and gracious monarch
2 reptilian impersonator
3 Trauma conditioned puppet
Way out west
they got a name
for earth and wind and fiyah.
The earth is steve, the fire is barry
and we call our cult moriah
such a stupid name
we call our cult moriah
-the pedowood vores (2021)
Ruler of shills (RIP)
Newfags qresear.ch archive is not the enemies friend.
UK Police drop investigation of pedovore procurer Jeffrey Epstein and Royal client Prince Andrew.
The use of an array of tactics to baffle the perception in conflict is not new, nor is the strategy confined to the human species. Predators who exploit the perceptual deficiencies of prey are common in nature. As human hunters wear camouflage, spread scents and simulate game calls to imitate prey animals, Paussid beetles forge chemical signals, blinding ant species they prey on to their presence among them in the nest. A famous human group employed similar tactics. Hasan ibn Sabah’s Assassins.
Ibn Sabah allegedly learned his art of mind control from priests of the mysteries in Egypt, but whatever the origin of the tactics, the Assassins used hypnotic induction, symbolism, stage magic and drugs create a belief system which insured 100 % loyalty and instant compliance with leader’s instructions. Nation state rulers have great difficulty securing large numbers of people willing to die on command.
Hasan al Sabah’s Assassins prospered for 300 years and spread their agents through the middle east because they could create adherents who would raise families, live amongst the opponent for 30 years, and remain loyal and instantly obedient to leader’s orders – even when ordered to commit assassinations certain to result in capture and execution.
Not everything that calls itself "I" is not necessarily us. Ideas that just "pop into our heads" are not necessarily our own.
Some beetles are walking organic chem labs, they synthesize explosives, chemical warfare agents, sex changing molecules - they read and write the language of the victims perceptions.
"Ant-nest beetles (Paussus) are the quintessential Trojan horses of the insect world. ‘’’They hack the complex communication system of ants, allowing them to blend into the ant society and be treated as royalty, all the while preying upon the ants and the ants' brood and duping the ants into rearing their young. ‘’’
How would we transpose this pattern. To what other species might this apply?
…Here we present results of the first molecular-based phylogeny of ant-nest beetles, which reveals that this symbiosis has produced one of the most stunning examples of rapid adaptive radiation documented to date.
‘’’A very successful strategy. ‘’’
Human beings perceive only a narrow band of visible light wave lengths and hear only a narrow range sound frequencies. Not one human in a million recognize the large blind spot in the middle of our visual field until it is demonstrated to us. We're never suspect our sense are not all there is, or other species could possibly take advantage of our limited perception.
satanists love the art, museum, foundation business - for good reason. Art can have any assigned value. An art market can be created overnight in a previously unknown artist like Keith Haring. This makes art/museums antiquities a perfect way to move money around, while, at the same time, promoting inventory or stock-in-trade, art, as a store of long-term value.
A painting is worth what you say it is if you're the Getty Museum, the Hammer, the Broad, the Norval, the Huntington or the whatever-cult-tycoon is pretending philanthropy and laughing at us as we reverently troop through their art gallery front operation. There's another good, valid and unholy reason satanic cult con artists like to use art galleries foundations and museum cover structures as operational fronts.
In the case of art we've been POWERFULLY conditioned never to seriously question art. Anyone who says "my kid could do that- " is culturally defined as an idiot. Only an ignoramus questions art. We’ve been taught this in movies and sitcoms, we've been told a hundred ways, a thousand times: only vulgar and uneducated people criticize art. Philistines. Prudes. Hicks. Yokels. Furthermore, we are taught that art is a specialist area, and if we aren't specialists or insiders, we couldn’t possibly have anything worthwhile to say and we ought keep our crude thoughts to ourselves and our boorish mouths shut around what we don’t understand; because art is sacrosanct; the sacred self-expression of the individual.
Decades of this powerful conditioning allowed Pedosta's fat brother Tony to pose for a multi-page spread in a glitzy DC magazine with his daemonic sculpture of a gilded homosexual torture victim and with pictures of abused children in bizarre ritual locations. ART. The same conditioning protects Marina Abramovic and the crowd of stars” and celebrities" photographed eating an art corpse soaked in honey at an art event. It’s ART. The pedovores are rightfully confident in the powers of our conditioning to protect them that they licensed photos of themselves with forks stuck into the honeyed art corpse to be published in art & fashion magazines, blogs and supermarket tabloids. The honeyed corpse is a gnostic occult ritual. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mellified_man
Why do satanist pedovores parade their pathology in front of us? When we see Tony Pedosta, John “Skippy” Pedosta’s brother's sculpture we do not understand consciously what we are seeing is a gold leaf covered model Dahmer’s homosexual torture victim. What effect does seeing something we don’t consciously understand or necessarily recall having seen have on us?
A lot. This is the “secret” of the effectiveness subliminal and subsonic embed programming. Words and images we don’t know that we’ve seen are perceived by the unconscious component of our minds. We know this because tests using subliminal embeds not consciously seen still raises our blood pressure, increases our pulse rate, and fMRI studies show that these unperceived influences activate portions of the brain associated with memory and emotional trauma. We do understand sex and death images unconsciously and traumatic images are retained in memory below the threshold of conscious awareness to influence our future behavior over time. Images of sex and violence in unconscious memory affect us like PTSD caused by real world exposure to rape, torture, child pornography or physical trauma.
Information War or IW operations target the unconscious mind. This “witchcraft” works best when we are not aware of images we’ve been exposed to subliminally or even that we are being targeted at all.
Sculpture of Dahmer’s torture victim is presented at galleries and in publicity as fashionable, highly sought after, rare and precious work collected by knowledgeable, prominent people like Tony and John Pedosta.
satanist’s social subversion/sabotage operations exploit our strongest social conditioning. Art world institutions, galleries and foundations are trumpeted as the highest form of philanthropy and criticizing them is not just foolish it’s ungrateful. Art is a satanist controlled industrial market. Since the days of Bernard Berenson art has been used to create and launder money to authenticate forgeries and to smuggle antiquities. Big art shows and exposition are used to emotionally prime us for coming events, to predispose individuals and groups to adopt preferred attitudes, practices or behaviors in a multitude of social dimensions; while, at the same, generating enormous profits, tax breaks and (through school outreach programs) providing access to children.
The owners of the major media companies don't just protect pedovores, they are ‘’’ the architects and operators ‘’’ of the mass mind control system, the social engineers, the mind poisoners.
Many of our fellow citizens are so trapped in pseudo reality created by legacy media news and entertainment content they will never escape. We call the brainwashed “NPCs,” but they're victims of legacy media information poisoning.
We think we can watch legacy media news and entertainment content safely, that it won’t and hasn't hurt us… but it has. We've heard more lies about the world than we can remember. Those unremembered lies are the basis for important assumptions we make, about who is a friend and who's not, about what we do in our spare time and what we dream of for our children.
We've been exposed to hundreds of thousands subliminal images, subsonic induction, ultrasonic brain state modulation, images we’re not aware we even saw of sex hate death greed, all of which influence our behavior, creating a form of unrecognized PTSD, which victims often project outward as hate.
Legacy media has gradually, over decades reduced the common vocabulary and amplified the violence, venality, selfishness, greed and overt occultism in programming.
Hundreds of thousands of Americans suffer physical symptoms, increased blood pressure, respiration, perspiration and pulse – people shake, stutter at the mention of the name of a man they have never met. A man they know only from the thousands of negative stories about him in every media, every hour of every day on every conceivable media platform. The physical symptoms are a psychogenic illness produced nonstop adverse IO, cultist Information Operations, aka psyops.
By gradually reducing our vocabulary and simplifying discussions legacy media has gradually reduced our cognitive capacity and normalized bizarre fetishes and psychopathology; moral subversion is a recognized tactic of unrestricted war; lifetime exposure from infancy means that many of us are no longer able to understand what is happening to us.
Legacy media protects satanist pedophile occultists, ignores massive evidence, discredit and slanders honest researchers, elevates fake experts to debunk perverts like Epstein, and scandals like Pizzagate, the Presidio, Keating S&L perverts, and dozens of other similar scandals equally serious and always dismissed as "satanic panic" which is now the approved explanation for the McMartin preschool scandal in Los Angeles.
There, at McMartin the children described ritual abuse, but. as always. the the Daily Beast assures us is an hallucination
No information obtained over anonymous insecure networks, built to intelligence agency specs, as the internet was, can be trusted.
The internet was designed to be irremediably insecure by intel agencies to facilitate illicit commerce and permit universal surveillance and psychospiritual control.
We've exposed gross lies propagated by legacy media, but less evident, more serious, damage is done silently, by subliminal embeds, subsonics and influence technologies which manipulate memory and perception by hypnotic induction and implanted suggestions – processes which mostly happen below the viewers’ threshold of conscious awareness.
Anyone can inject toxic self-replicating material into media content streams over anonymous insecure networks. Network user’s cognitive autonomy and physical security depend on the integrity of the network which serves to connect them as it does the integrity of the content producer.
Our internet is not only insecure by design, it is irremediably insecure by design. It doesn’t have to be that way, but it is that way.
Civilization rests on identity and advanced computational civilization rests on identity-over-networks. We need to know to a high degree of assurance who originated our email, who runs what appears to be a merchant or bank website and who owns, transmits, and produces our news and “entertainment” media content to know whether to trust that website or media content.
A high percentage of the data we receive is not only network delivered but network sourced, and a news story will contain generations of layered error and inherited assumptions. When unrecognized errors accumulate in our circulating information supply, (news and entertainment content) our ability to make good decisions is gradually degraded. We make social and economic decisions based on what we assume to be facts - and the unrecognized errors in that data produce errors of ever-increasing magnitude. This not a hypothesis, it’s an axiom, and is cited by John von Neumann in “Computation and the Brain” JvN’s never completed final work.
We know technologies exist which permit precise control of individual and group information environments. News feeds, display ads, forum topics and visible response; all can be individually curated to produce predictable effects on a targeted individual or group.
Civilization, community and commerce all rest on identity, and we have no assured anonymity (by design) on the spy-built internet. Nor would we give up our real anonymity (if we had it) for the sake of secure networking. We don’t have real anonymity on the internet, though people who use C_A’s TOR mix net and proton mail users think so.
There are righteous reasons for anonymity and for that reason assured elective anonymity must be integral to the information system of the future.
How do we get both – assured identity AND anonymity on the same network without compromising either?
We the People need trusted networking to reliably distribute information that is real and true and important, information every person needs to make informed decisions. We the People’s decisions can be no better that the information they are based on – and right now they are based on accumulated MSM deceptions and psychological operations whose objective is terror.
In order to be secure FOR all, the internet must be secure FROM all, including the people who build it.
That's why an open, international program is essential, and why an information distribution platform or network is a UTILITY. It can never belong to a private company or a nation state entity. It MUST belong to its user’s information is a substance as essential to us as water.
If you can see it others can too.
Like with smoke in the theater, when the first person smells smoke they don't scream FIRE. We look around and check if anybody else smells it too.
experiments suggest it's quorum sensing. One of the thousands of automatisms that compose our behavior.
Tropisms are similar but most of us have no control over those, though they say some gurus and fakirs do.
Moloch, Ba’al and the rest of the Y-head demon brands are represented in 3-dimensional space by families of associated, interconnected symbols, sigils and glyphs. These symbols constitute the satanic “brands” – marketing identities which now surround us; advertising has conditioned us from infancy to view the branding and marketing of consumer goods as “normal.”
Recognizing occult elements and understanding how they insinuate themselves into consciousness to become unconsidered, automatic repetitive, conditioned or ritual behaviors is part of what the "Great Awakening" is about.
Repeated exposure to satanic symbols, sigils, images and glyphs embedded in advertising and entertainment media content activates corresponding influences within us.
Hypersexualized, materialist culture is not an accident; it is not the product of creative competition – it is the product of occult rituals, ceremonies and sacrifices engineered to produce the illusory materialist environment in which we are, many of us, confined.
Pedovore cultists openly promote satanic “art” rituals in media content targeting children on You Tube.
Ritual ceremonies are disguised as children’s activities, "art," theater, comedy or concerts.
25 million animals and more than 1 million human preborn infants are sacrificed every year in the US alone.
Hypno-sexual mind control components ancient runes, demonic sigils, talismans and glyphs perfuse engineered pop culture. News and “entertainment” media content is pumped full of embedded symbols, sounds and subliminal images related to SEX and DEATH. These overt and covert occult influences accumulate and their combined effect over decades has produced and sustained a selfish, shallow and violent materialist consciousness, a culture where satan runs commerce and where trans dimensional entities may more easily manifest the hierarchical, slave society of pedovore criminality they prefer.
The satanic cultists have expended much cleverness to channel and confine human consciousness. Constricted human consciousness, harassed and distracted with unnecessary, socially mandated tasks, economic slavery and engineered social conflict, has no time for the reflection that leads to psychospiritual growth.
We can awaken to the true nature of reality and to the powers of big G God inside us.
Satanic cultists can’t. All cultists can do is what they've always done, use drugs, sex, illusion and NLP mind tricks to create endless cycles of revenge and retribution.
That was Marina's business. She stills owes money to some clients. They say.
Only Blueanons believe Joe Biden is president.
Any of you shills do Hilldawgs?