Q Research - Home of Q+ back channel since 2017
Pray for justice and leave that justice to God. God has the universe at his disposal to deal with prayers from his faithful. We are to dream, create and animate a new world that codifies itself into a nation under God and recognizes the responsibility of maintaining a firm consecration with God in blessings bestowed to We, the People.
Let the darkness pass and do not prosecute the crimes of darkness in your daily life. Celebrate the dawn of a new and more perfect union between America and God. We, as vessels of the presence of God in this realm, have a duty to incorporate the stable and abundant intentions of God in our daily lives and to vie for a moral government controlled by We, the People. The core of the Great Awakening is grounded in spiritually awakening the people and releasing them from the 'system of control' organized religions and arcane rules of societal/cultural isolation. We are 10% human and 90% spirit and are animated from other realms that are a structural part of the totality of this reality.
In essence the cabal was trying to isolate the 10% of our being from the 90% of our spiritual awareness and were scarily close to capping that well.
Then Q happened.
Fight like hell.