Anonymous ID: 2db1b9 May 19, 2018, 8:56 p.m. No.1476926   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6934 >>6944 >>6973

Jordan B. Peterson's connections to the UN, Soros, MKUltra, and more

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Been doing some serious digging, I can prove all of this: Peterson worked for the United Nations for three years and has ties to some serious globalist think tanks, specifically George Soros' INET (Institute for New Economic Thinking), and CIGI (Centre for International Governance Innovation). He was a UN adviser to Jim Balsillie (ex-CEO of RIM/Blackberry), who was working on a UN panel called 'The United Nations Secretary-General's High-Level Panel on Global Sustainability'. This UN panel produced a document that is essentially a Marxist NWO blueprint, and this document was later built upon and referenced by a UN panel that John Podesta sat on called 'The United Nations High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons On the Post-2015 Development Agenda'. Both of these panels laid the groundwork for the 'United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development'.


Jim Balsillie is the founder of CIGI and co-founded INET with George Soros. CIGI is in fact partnered with and receives funding from INET, as well as from the Clinton Foundation. CIGI is a major Marxist globalist NWO think tank, involved with the G20, and it even appears to have some sort of ties to the CIA. Balsillie had two additional UN advisers (Paul Jenkins, Simon Zadek) and a UN "sherpa" (David Runnalls) in addition to Peterson while working at the UN, and all three of them were from CIGI.


Now listen to this, the founder of the 'Intellectual Dark Web' is none other than Eric Weinstein, and he's listed as an official "expert" at INET. So not only is Peterson tied to INET through Balsillie, this 'Intellectual Dark Web' garbage he's a part of is the spawn of a Soros INET think tank expert.


Here is where things start to get really weird. Last year when Peterson testified at the Bill C-16 senate hearing, he had a brief debate with a senator named Ratna Omidvar, a woman who was arguing in favor of Bill C-16. It just so turns out that Ratna Omidvar is involved with CIGI and another globalist enterprise of Jim Balsillie's called 'Balsillie School of International Affairs'. Omidvar is a hardcore Marxist who runs something called the 'Maytree Foundation'.


A Jewish psychologist by the name of Norman Doidge, a personal colleague of Peterson's who he's sometimes given talks with, wrote the foreword to Peterson's new book '12 Rules for Life'. He too is involved with CIGI, and just as recently as February of this year did an interview in The Globe and Mail with Jim Balsillie (about smart phone addiction). In that very foreword, Doidge wrote that a Jewish TV producer named Wodek Szemberg who was "always on the lookout for potential public intellectuals" met Peterson in 2004. Szemberg worked at TV Ontario for a man named Steve Paikin producing a show called 'The Agenda' which has more than once been involved with CIGI, including once in 2009 when CIGI hosted the show.


Are you beginning to see the bigger picture? Peterson is deeply involved with powerful globalist oligarchs, Marxsits, and Jews, while pretending to be against the very plans that those same people and their think tanks and foundations are working towards. Peterson has sort of tried to minimize his work done for the UN by stating that he rewrote the document they produced to "remove the ideological clap trap", but the document is nevertheless a Marxist globalist NWO artifact. In reality, Peterson proudly lists working for the UN with Jim Balsillie under his credentials, and his colleagues and network to this day are directly tied to Jim Balsillie's and George Soros' globalist think tanks.


I'm still working to flesh out more of the details, but Peterson's academic pedigree without a doubt goes straight back to MKUltra and the CIA. Peterson did his post-doc under a man named Maurice Dongier. Dongier obtained his degree in psychiatry in 1954 at McGill University, training at the Allan Memorial Institute. The Allan Memorial Institute was founded and directed by Donald Ewen Cameron, who was contracted by the CIA to conduct MKUltra mind control experiments there between the years 1957 and 1964. After completing his post-doc, Peterson then went on to teach at Harvard for five years, taking up Timothy Leary's old position.


Peterson also has ties to hardcore Zionist organizations. Last year, Peterson was a keynote speaker with Ezra Levant at an event put on by 'Canadians for Balfour 100' where he gave a speech about how wonderful Jews are and how everyone is envious of Israel. This organization has direct ties to B'Nai Brith and a host of other Canadian and international Zionist organizations.


Sources to follow in next post.

Anonymous ID: 2db1b9 May 19, 2018, 8:56 p.m. No.1476934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6935


United Nations


Peterson proudly listing his work with Jim Balsillie and the UN:


The document produced by 'The United Nations Secretary-General's High-Level Panel on Global Sustainability' (Peterson's name is listed in the document with Jim Balsillie, Paul Jenkins, Simon Zadek, and David Runnalls):


In this video at the 1m6s mark Peterson speaks about his involvement with the panel, saying he rewrote the document that was released:


John Podesta served on the 'United Nations High-Level Panel of eminent persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda':


The report they released is here, which references and builds upon the report Peterson helped produce (won't archive for some reason):




Jim Balsillie founded CIGI (Centre for International Governance Innovation):


Jim Balsillie also co-founded INET (Institute for New Economic Thinking) with George Soros:


CIGI is partnered with and receives millions in funding from INET:


CIGI is also funded by and partnered with the Clinton Foundation:


CIGI G20 involvement:


CIGI potential ties to the CIA:

>On Sept. 13th, Bruce Riedel, one of the former heads of the CIA, gave a talk entitled “Obama, Romney and Iran” at the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) in Waterloo.

>So what was he doing in Canada? He told the crowd of 500 that he was strong-armed by his buddies, Janet Lang and James Blight, professors at the newly-opened Balsillie School for International Affairs, kitty-corner to CIGI’s headquarters.


Eric Weinstein


Eric Weinstein is an official expert at INET:

Anonymous ID: 2db1b9 May 19, 2018, 8:57 p.m. No.1476935   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ratna Omidvar


Peterson's debate with Ratna Omidvar at the Bill C-16 hearing:


Ratna Omidvar speking at 'Balsillie School of International Affairs':

Immigration - Crisis or Opportunity?

Article mentioning speech:


Ratna Omidvar is a contributor to, a publication run by CIGI:

>Ratna Omidvar is a member of the Senate of Canada, and an internationally recognized expert on migration, diversity and inclusion. She is the founding Executive Director of the Global Diversity Exchange at Ryerson University, Toronto.


Ratna Omidvar was a speaker with Jim Balsillie at 'Sustainability Network 15th Anniversary' in September 2012. This was while Peterson was serving as UN adviser for Jim Balsillie:


A document on Jim Balsillie's CIGI website references a document from Maytree Foundation, Ratna Omidvar's foundation:


Norman Doidge


Norman Doidge interviews Jim Balsillie about "smart phone addiction" in February 2018:


Wodek Szemberg & Steve Paikin


Here is a speech given by Wodek Szemberg entitled 'Why So Few Atheists in the Media'?

>note that Peterson is in fact an agnostic atheist occultist posing as a "Christian"


Wodek Szemberg worked at TV Ontario for Steve Paikin producing a show called 'The Agenda':


In 2009 CIGI hosted The Agenda with Steve Paikin:

>The Agenda with Steve Paikin will broadcast live from The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) on March 30, as part of TVO's On the Road tour.

>Special guests for this production include Jim Balsillie, CIGI Chair of the Board and co-CEO of Research In Motion


In 2012 Steve Paikin's The Agenda broadcast a CIGI panel discussion:


Academic Pedigree


Maurice Dongier:

>Dongier received his medical degree in Marseille in 1951 and took his training at the Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal, Quebec, receiving his diploma in psychiatry from McGill University in 1954.


Peterson did his post-doc under Maurice Dongier:

>I did my post-doc with Dr. Pihl, and Maurice Dongier. Then I taught at Harvard for six years, and I’ve been at the University of Toronto ever since then.


Donald Ewen Cameron and the Allan Watts Institute:

>During the 1950s and 1960s, Cameron became involved in what has later become known as the MKUltra mind control program, which was covertly sponsored by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and which eventually led to the publication of the KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation manual.

>He commuted from Albany to Montreal every week to work at McGill's Allan Memorial Institute and was paid $69,000 from 1957 to 1964 to carry out MKUltra experiments there.


Peterson took Timothy Leary's position at Harvard (6m25s):




Peterson's speech at the Zionist Balfour centennial event put on by 'Canadians for Balfour 100':

>On May 18, 2017, Canadians for Balfour 100 and The Speakers Action Group presented the special event “The Balfour Declaration: Its Significance for Christian, Muslim, Jew” with Dr. Jordan Peterson, Salim Mansur, and Ezra Levant.


Canadians for Balfour 100 About Us page:

Anonymous ID: 2db1b9 May 19, 2018, 8:57 p.m. No.1476941   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6948

I found something else while digging that I think is rather strange. For some reason Jordan Peterson was interviewed in 2010 about the Cornwall Ontario pedophile ring scandal, and Peterson explained why "conspiracy theories" as a whole are always total nonsense:


>"It's very difficult to disprove a conspiracy theory, because every bit of disproving evidence can be just written off as additional evidence that these conspirators are particularly intelligent and sneaky," he said.

>Conspiracy theories are usually started by people who are very untrusting and it gathers steam among others who are somewhat untrusting, Peterson said.

>They're psychologically compelling because they neatly tie together troubling facts or assertions, he said. When things go badly there are often many explanations, and an orchestrated conspiracy "should be pretty low on your list of plausible hypotheses," Peterson said.

>"A good rule of thumb is: Don't presume malevolence where stupidity is sufficient explanation," he said.

>"Organizations can act badly and things can fall apart without any group of people driving that."


Why was Peterson randomly interviewed to help sweep a major pedophile ring investigation under the rug, and why was Peterson using the CIA created term "conspiracy theory" to help do this? Here's a website about the pedo ring:


It's worth noting too that Peterson used the same language of "conspiracy theories" in his recent article about the JQ, where he accused anyone who asks questions about Jewish power of "conspiracy theorist": "conspiracy theories are the lowest form of intellectual enterprise".