Jon Gruden wins landslide anywhere. Screenshot this..
I'm not signed up for disqus at Gateway Pundit, so thought I'd leave this here for shills n shit.
Shills, trolls, and anyone else who has not been holding the line up until this moment in time are all the anti-American, let's all pull together and unite no matter what their individual ulterior goals might be, collective of all the dark, lawless, evil, wicked kind that don't have an Americans best interest in mind. Go read the Q drops and you can then see whitch Q influencers are telling the truth. Dave (X22report) is spot on over the target. He gets it. I get it. Billions worldwide get it. NCSWIC WWG1WGA Better buckle up butter cup! Now. Cry us some mohr evil tears. Let us consume the sweet energy of your defeat. Follow the money is not just a catch phrase. We will all gawk in wonder after arrests have started. "Where did all of the trolls and shills disappear to?" The blackpilled will reawaken. The paid will be unpaid at some point and quite possibly arrested under rico as well. The rest will go silent in shame and/or fear. Lots will be arrested.
At whatever point Durham can no longer continue progress, is when the military will step in. They are letting all legal paths be trod till no more are left. I believe devolution had started already at least as far back as the rigged 2016 election. I keep hearing 2020 election, but we know for a fact that the military has been monitoring election fraud as far back as 2016, if not earlier. We knew it was not just another 4yr election pre-2016 election. Who prevented the dim-o-ratz rigged election from going to Killery? Mil intel. They could not counter, because they had no counter. She was not supposed to lose. She had no concession speech lined up even. Apex is coming up fast. Evil has no brakes and will crash and burn like never before. The whole evil corrupt temple down on [their] heads. It's going to be Biblical! BOOM No chance at recovery. Extra buttahs on muh popcorn plweez. I'm all giddy with the kek. My inner frog is coming out. Merrick Garland and his Fruity Bubbles Institute can suck on my left salty nut. Howdy fuckin' Doody time, biātches.