I believe Cerno DID call Q a Larp.
I could be mistaken tho. I don't hate the guy, I think he's just mostly a FameWhore.
I believe Cerno DID call Q a Larp.
I could be mistaken tho. I don't hate the guy, I think he's just mostly a FameWhore.
Sad to tell you, but Wictor is a Clownshill, JUST like Tracy, Webb, Goodman, Corsi, etc.
He's in a ring with imperator_Rex, Stealth Jeff, and others.
There's nothing wrong with asking for money. The money thing isn't the problem.
Q really confused people with the way he went about this.
Possibly Bill Smith on YouTube is the only legit one.
And B also known as Bailey is one of the only one's on Twitter.