Anonymous ID: 8d900e May 19, 2018, 9:35 p.m. No.1477276   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Latest headlines from

Former New York City Correction Department Investigator Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison for Transporting, Receiving and Possessing Child Pornography

Kingsmen Motorcycle Club Gang President, Regional President, and Member Convicted By A Federal Jury of Murder and Racketeering


There are some others, but they're mainly announcements about promotions, etc.

Anonymous ID: 8d900e May 19, 2018, 10:16 p.m. No.1477636   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I guess not :)

Let's see what else pops up (10x each)

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  • x10 = ++++++++++

= x10 = ==

> x10 = >>>>>>>>>>

< x10 = <<<<<<<<<<

  • x10 = ****

% x10 = %%%%%%%%%%

@ x10 = @@@@@@@@@@

` x10 = ``````````

^ x10 = ^^^^^^^^^^

# x10 = ##########

& x10 = &&&&&&&&&&

$ x10 = $$$$$$$$$$

  • x10 = ****

| x10 = ||||||||||

/ x10 = //////////

\ x10 = \\\\\

! x10 = !!!!!!!!!!

? x10 = ??????????

( x10 = ((((((((((

) x10 = ))))))))))

, x10 = ,,,,,,,,,,

. x10 = ……….

: x10 = ::::::::::

; x10 = ;;;;;;;;;;

' x10 =

" x10 = """"""""""

Anonymous ID: 8d900e May 19, 2018, 10:29 p.m. No.1477734   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7787


POTUS announced four new Ambassadors today–here's two. Malta is interesting because so much offshore money flows through there. Wouldn't surprise me if this person had a strong background in analyzing such things.

Anonymous ID: 8d900e May 19, 2018, 10:35 p.m. No.1477787   🗄️.is 🔗kun



New EO out yesterday. I think somebody mentioned it, but there are some interesting things at the bottom:


>Sec. 8. Revocations. Executive Order 13693 of March 19, 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade), is revoked.


>Sec. 10. Exemption Authority. (a) The Director of National Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity of the United States ‑‑ and related personnel, resources, and facilities ‑‑ from the provisions of this order, other than this subsection, to the extent the Director determines necessary to protect intelligence sources and methods from unauthorized disclosure.


>(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforcement activities of that agency, and related personnel, resources, and facilities, from the provisions of this order, other than this subsection, to the extent the head of an agency determines necessary to protect undercover operations from unauthorized disclosure.


>(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforcement, protective, emergency response, or military tactical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions of this order, other than this subsection. Heads of agencies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of this order to the extent they determine practicable.


>(d) The head of an agency may exempt particular agency activities and facilities from the provisions of this order, other than this subsection, if it is in the interest of national security. If the head of an agency issues an exemption under this subsection, the agency must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 days of issuance of that exemption. To the maximum extent practicable, and without compromising national security, each agency shall strive to comply with the purposes, goals, and implementation steps in this order.


>(e) The head of an agency may submit to the President, through the Chairman of CEQ, a request for an exemption of an agency activity, and related personnel, resources, and facilities, from this order.