>oy vey glownigger? is that better?
There we go. Tell us how you really feel. Here, have some nazi anime waifus to fap to. That'll be as productive as anything else you do on this board, you cowering faggot. Jews own you, you are inferior to us. Mathematically, provably inferior. Don't you realize that calling people Jewish is admitting that they are your better? Oy vey, imagine being a fat incel WH*TE BOI in 2021. Make sure you don't say anything that might get you in trouble with the scary feds. Stay in your lane and behave while your country burns down around your ears and Raheem fucks all your women into off-brown genetic mud.>>14772763
>I homeschooled him but then made the mistake of letting him go to a State college where he was brainwashed.
That's rough, anon. Should have gotten him to go to electrician school. That's the advice I'm giving LITERALLY everyone these days. They make so much fucking money it's insane. A bit dangerous, but so is life.