Anonymous ID: 1b1676 Oct. 12, 2021, 2:32 p.m. No.14773970   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's just a NEW form of SLAVERY…look around at all the Democrats policies, RULES for THEE not for ME!!!…




MASTERS don't have to follow the rules set down by themselves…BUT SLAVES do…


THIS IS JUST THE NEW GENERATIONAL "SLAVERY" but when you boil it down…"SLAVERY" by any other definition…



Anonymous ID: 1b1676 Oct. 12, 2021, 2:53 p.m. No.14774067   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Prediction of exposure


Just a prediction, if the names, addresses and phone numbers of these corrupt/lying people in the Media, Congress, and Major Industries were out in the open where everybody on EARTH can see them, you will find the stories from all these people will change instantly, Right now…they are being protected so, hidden and safe from saying anything and everything to keep perpetuating the falsehood and lies upon the American people…whoever leaks and publishes the information on the whereabouts of these people and they are confronted(legally, thru protests, phone calls, twitter, facebook, youtube and other media outlets) the lies, deceit and falsehood will die out…


look at that Australian PM…who had to resign because she was exposed…don't expect the MSM to expose them…they also need to be exposed…light santitizes everything


But for now…I just want to talk to them…just want to talk…Family Guy episode…kek…