We are still holding the line. To the end actually.
But we are not just a minority as unvaxxed, we may soon be alone.
My wife is an ER doctor. All the nurses have gave in. One other ER doctor is also going to fight.
Texas sounds great, but as of the moment, most hospitals require the vax as a term of employment irregardless of a states policy.
She is allowed to do possible DAILY test's to prove she hasn't got Covid. (The other doctor is just quitting and had Covid and he would have had to do that in spite of natural immunity.)
She is not going to submit to daily to weekly tests. It ends. Two less ER doctors.
It's just really sad from our end how little fight is left in people. We are tired.
I have this to say to the vaxxed.
Baaaah. Baaaaah
Like sheep to the slaughter.