>Their ultimate goal is to make the exposure of their crimes, a crime in and of itself.
The parasite of communism is burrowed deep in their minds.
They hate themselves, they hate you.
>Their ultimate goal is to make the exposure of their crimes, a crime in and of itself.
The parasite of communism is burrowed deep in their minds.
They hate themselves, they hate you.
>That is the U.S. Embassy in Seoul.
Yes. except the flag is shopped in upside-down.
It's not in the original.
>Hertz, a former lawyer in Facebook’s Washington office, occupied one of the most powerful perches in the White House, controlling the flow of paper and documents that reached Joe Biden’s desk.
>>co2 has been btfo'd by volcanoes
It was a good run for Greta while it lasted. The FAS finally caught up with her.
>after being reprimanded for protesting the BLM-inspired pre-match kneeling
State-sanctioned virtue signalling is no way to go through life, anons.