Anonymous ID: f9a693 Oct. 13, 2021, 2:12 a.m. No.14777108   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7125








>Create new account


>Reset your password


>Enter the CAPTCHA


>pick the street sign images


>pick the bus images


>pick the train images


>CAPTCHA failed try again


>pick the bus images


>pick the car images


>pick the street light images


>CAPTCHA passed


>enter your phone number


>verify you 2 factor informtation


>enter the code you were just texted


>enter your secondary email


>verify your secondary email


>enter the code you were just emailed.


>to access your secondary email repeat the above steps.


anyone else getting sick of this shit? this tech world is turning into a spider web of fuckall bullshit.