i know is weird right reddit is quiet too
im getting weird ass vibes rn im gonna pray like mad
or the people running the shills just got arrested lmao
i feel like an ass for always shitting on him cuz of the indian thing. if i only i knew
he just blocked me on twitter for telling him to come at me rofl.
this seems logical
notice how all the shills left lmao i wonder why
i dont wanna keep wasting bread but its so fuckign dead in here . idk if i have them all fitlered but notice theres no flat earth e bot muh joos anything at all loll not a single one. im guessing something big coming very soon? probably dont want jail time
this pic is shills tonite
cant they get your ip from that tho ?
w0w a shill is back
lmaoooo youre my hero bo
posting mlp memes is worse
if the chick ariel castro had in the basement for years can recover anyone can
wrong thats cabal bullshit to try and keep people down
i mean do we really need to know the exact details of what they do specifically to children and bodies. i dont think 80% of the public would take that well
what would be the point of q telling us here if it doesnt come in public would just happen again in 400 years