Most kids get better with time.
She’s getting there, but not quite yet.
Or maybe it’s like the game controller ya give to your little brother, so that he feels included.
If ya wanna be with the ‘Good Cop’ gang… pay close attention to this story and think real hard about who truly deserves to be in cuffs and a cage.
Bloodied man on his ass and in cuffs, with three Costumes holding him… still calling for backup.
LEOs have some soul-searching to do.
Sheriff Chapman is on it… so to speak.
“The Pattern”: Ignore the real crime, and make it a ‘crime’ to be angry that LEOs ignored the real crime. Wash-rinse-repeat.
Institutionalized gaslighting-incitement to anger/violence. Who are the REAL criminals and traitors in such an entrapment????????
Come on, what a bunch of hooey.
Can all this gobbledygook be studied in a lab? You know, like real Science?