Is it possible hydroxychlorquin and ivermectin cure cancer etc?
This is not about politics.
This is about preserving our way of life and protecting the generations that follow.
We are living in Biblical times.
Children of light vs children of darkness.
United against the Invisible Enemy of all humanity.
I’m starting to think David Wilcock has been right all along about the ET’s , Ra channelings, negative ET’s controlling earth, “Invisible Enemy “
I feel bad now for making fun of the guy, ugh
This will sound crazy but I think X22 is controlled opposition/ gatekeeper.
EVERY EPISODE he states as a fact that the invisible Enemy are the bad guys we are fighting.
He’s telling you what to think,
If you read the Q posts I believe the invisible enemy is the highest Classification and are negative ETs.
I think X22 is allowed to discuss EVERYTHING except his job is to stop you there at the invisible Enemy.
He says it every episode like clockwork, look for the gatekeeping.
Hell maybe it’s the white hats that do not wanting us to know this yet.
The Law of One
The first catholic crusade was against fellow Christians that believed in more spiritual things like reincarnation.
The Catholics brutally annihilated the Cathers.
If everyone has a soul imagine how evolved that soul would be after thousands of incarnations on earth. All the experiences all the lessons learned all remembered once the sole spiritually graduates and starts resonating at a certain frequency.
Is this why the Cathar’s were slaughtered?
To kill the truth?
The “republicans” well the ones fighting to stop any audit are also elected with the same fraud. Hell no they don’t want anything changed