Anonymous ID: 80ce52 Oct. 14, 2021, 10:17 a.m. No.14784518   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4551 >>4562 >>4586


Free energy magnet wheels

Anon still blown away at the idea


Let me talk about the magnetic energy wheel. It might be two, or even three wheels, but there is a simple pattern, an array of magnets that, when placed correctly, can keep a wheel spinning – forever.


Using the simple push/pull energy of small or large magnets together in a specific array, you can keep this wheel going forever. You’re aware, are you not, that natural magnets are very powerful, and they push and they pull with a great deal of force, with no rest or refresh time, and no side effects, and no fuel. This is a huge secret! Why have you not seen this before? Put them together in an array where they will push and pull against each other and spin whatever size wheel you wish – until the end of time! All you have to do is oil the bearings occasionally. Have you thought of that? Dear ones, listen: If you can make something spin, you can connect it to an electric generator. Electricity, in any quantity, forever!


I want you to think of what this means. Imagine: No batteries. “Kryon, what are you talking about. You’ve got to have batteries.” Dear ones, that statement is soooo yesterday! Imagine your favorite device. A phone, perhaps? What if, instead of a battery, it had a tiny, miniature, spinning magnetic motor that powered the device in real-time – forever! Not only are there no batteries in the future, but no charging anything. Every electronic thing you have has its own tiny, spinning generator built-in.


“Kryon, how big can this wheel be?” Well, let’s think: Everything I have said can be enlarged. So, instead of a battery in an electric car, there is a larger spinning electric engine underneath, always supplying electricity to what we will now call super capacitance (something we have only briefly discussed). You will always have enough electricity to go for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of miles without ever stopping. And even while you sleep, electricity is still being generated to the “super cap.” It never stops.

Anonymous ID: 80ce52 Oct. 14, 2021, 10:58 a.m. No.14784741   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5010

Leaked Emails Show Pfizer Wanted To Hide COVID Vaccine’s Connection to Abortion


Gross, Vax is fetus fluids?


In a video released by Project Veritas today, Pfizer whistleblower Melissa Strickler provided a chain of emails between top Pfizer executives including VP and CSO Philip Dormitzer and Senior Director of Worldwide Research Vanessa Gelman, in which they discuss the appropriate script and “approved answer” to use in order to avoid disclosing information to the public on the use of fetal cell lines in creating the vaccine



Anonymous ID: 80ce52 Oct. 14, 2021, 11:28 a.m. No.14784888   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5033

Dear ones, I am Jeshua. I am here in your midst and I connect with your hearts.

You are dear to me; feel my love and warmth. You are all in need of warmth; you have missed warmth and love in your lives. You have come to Earth with a memory, an inner knowing, of what love is. You knew the unlimited, absolute love, not the dependent, possessive love which is so prevalent on Earth. You knew a free, open love which gives the other person the space to be who they are and also gives you the space to be who you are. In that free space, you can feel safe and secure, anchored in your own being.


You have come here to bring that kind of love onto Earth. You are lightworkers, carriers of a new consciousness. But in order to spread that light and love here, it is necessary that you first recall it fully. The true meaning of love is: freedom in security. And that happens when you are allowed to develop yourself to the fullest – radiant and powerful – but at the same time, very gently and with tenderness. That is your true nature; that is who you are. You are an angel who has come here to plant the seeds of light – remember that.


But doing that here is an extremely difficult task, because when you were born as a baby, you entered into oblivion and you lost the memory of your origins. You absorbed all the heavy human energies – the fears, the sadness, the pain – which dominate the human atmosphere on Earth and you took them on. Often, in the first half of your life, you become lost in these energies, because you identify with them. You are unable to distinguish between that which you absorbed and that who you truly are, so you lose your mastery of life.


But at the very deepest level you know that you made this sacrifice in order to eventually transform, from within, the heavy human energies on the Earth; to ignite the light from within. That is the purpose of your jump into incarnation on Earth. And you have come so far already that you have begun to wake up inwardly. You are gradually remembering who you are: the lightness and freedom of that; the flexibility of your true nature.

Right now, at this time, allow those feelings to awaken, quite deliberately, in all the cells of your body. Your body is a conscious being, not just a hunk of matter. It lives from what is inside you and your consciousness is its highest authority. What ultimately determines the condition of your body are not material influences. In the end, it is you who determine that condition through your own choices by way of your consciousness.

You are now aware of your light, your origins, your angel being. Let go of the bondage of the human atmosphere of the Earth so that, as much as possible, the human energies of despair, pain, and suffering do not affect you. You are filled with light, it flows in and around you, it is you! The light does not come from above, or from without, it comes from within. You draw down your soul and welcome it on Earth.


Now imagine the color of your soul and allow it to flow through your aura from your head to your feet. Make your soul welcome and know that you are independent of the heavy and disturbing influences in the human atmosphere. Find that original core by going to your heart. Sense how there is a crystalline source of light there. And in that crystal, in that source, is a knowing, an inner feeling, which offers you everything you need. Feel the clarity, simplicity, and love in the energy of that crystal and know that you are free.


Now look at a situation in your daily life which causes you to feel heavy or agitated. Imagine that the light in your heart flows toward this heaviness and surrounds the situation with your inner light, the light of your soul. Then see your response to the situation: either you leave it be or you try to transform it; either you move toward it or away from it. Feel free and untethered to do whichever you feel is right. You are not dependent on anything or anyone else for your choices. Your divine core is eternal and wise, and enormously strong. Let your light shine freely – do not be afraid.


This light is what is needed on Earth. There is a lot of pain and suffering on Earth and you have been a part of it. You know what it is to suffer pain, to be blinded by illusions of fear and helplessness. This experience has given you a deep humanness and is part of your path of becoming fully conscious. Accept this experience, but step out of it and become free of it. Remind yourself of who you are – you are a teacher! You will plant the seeds of consciousness, and you are free to experience joy and to let go of suffering while doing it.


Thank you so much for your attention; I love you all.


**Channel: Pamela Kribbe

Anonymous ID: 80ce52 Oct. 14, 2021, 11:51 a.m. No.14785033   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Be interesting if Jesus is communicating with us through telepathic channeling.


After 2,000 years and teaching that primitive society. I bet it would be nice to speak to more spiritual evolved humans like ourselves.

Anonymous ID: 80ce52 Oct. 14, 2021, 11:58 a.m. No.14785074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5086 >>5109


Watched a past life hypnosis session by Alba Weinman and the guy hypnotized said that the number 9 represents the symbol for Christ and the number 11 represents the symbol for God


Made me think there is much more to 9-11


But you got the 999’s

Anonymous ID: 80ce52 Oct. 14, 2021, 12:15 p.m. No.14785146   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5164


>Past life sessions are bullshit. Jesus told you you must be born again, but where the wind comes from or where it's blowing nobody knows. So it is with those born of the Spirit.

[They] sold you that Bible you know