IAMQ2 ID: 6ab517 May 20, 2018, 12:52 a.m. No.1478668   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8681 >>8729 >>8745 >>8802 >>8946 >>8988 >>9134 >>9146 >>9153 >>9208 >>9321

NO SUCH AGENCY must have discovered the true cause for the sinking of the Titanic.


Perhaps Q picked up chatter at parties, communications of files archived by the Luciferians.


Maybe that Iran bust was a precursor to showing the cabal what other files they might have stumbled across.


Cash payments, bank account records (secretly stored in SA)?


Were there a lot more strings cut from SA than just US and UK politicians?










Q just posted a picture of an OWL.


People, it's follow the money.


It's the symbology the Rothschild cult is using as part of a ritual being imposed on you and I and everyone all over the world who must pay taxes in their currency.


Indeed this ongoing Satanic ritual has been including not only us, but our parents and our grandparents, dating back to at least 1913.


We are in a worldwide Satanic ritual ourselves….as the ritual slaughter material.


What do people do when they can do anything they want without costs internalized to themselves?


What values will guide and what will remain as thought only?


What if someone within that family tree who had top authority just so happened to kind of sort of worship Lucifer.


Maybe his parents…woah did I just assume their gender?….hahaha, yes, it was always a PATRIARCHY in the Rothschild family history.


Think mirror.




Now all of a sudden not they but America, where women are under equal laws as men, are bad people for creating an alleged patriarchy. (we did not).


They are trying to force their past evils on us and blind us to the future, and to them.


How would they do it?


By preying on our desire to earn money so that we can improve our material lives, which allows our spirit(mind) to expand with the time freed up, which then allows us to improve our material even more, and our spirit(mind) even more, ad infinitum.


The Luciferians have pulled us all into their own ritual with us as the sacrificed.


This is a daily process.


Follow the bloodlines IS FOLLOW THE MONEY.


Q followed the money and unlocked the entirety of this worldwide Satanic ritual!


At what point do Patriots become the minority and it becomes too late, and the evil never stops spreading over the world?


What if the Luciferians had another mass extinction ritual planned for us?


What if they have to have mass extinction events in order to prevent the world from waking up from the spell?


If you want to earn money and don't have any idea there is a Satanic cult family bloodline who controls that money you seek, then you are under a spell.




This ritual has been particularly effective at maintaining the power structure of the Earth.


But technology has caught up to the bastards.


You and I and everyone who is woke are breaking free from a centuries old ritual taking place worldwide for generations because of technology at our fingertips.


World power emanating from the ends of OUR fingertips!


We only had to realize the "news" is the way we are made blind.


Now we see.


Once we could see again, that's when the light could be recognized the way we were made to recognize it.


Light reveals everything for us.


As more reality is revealed by light, darkness will disappear.


The cult will not be able to walk the streets. The streets will then be SECURED.


Then the mostly GOOD people can live in peace and prosperity.


Right now every one of us who works is feeding the Satanic families.


They needed to take over economics. It was the one field they couldn't crack, and it guided government finances.


Karl Marx was paid by the cult to portray the economic world as a ritual war between GOLD exchangers, employers and employees.


Convince the EU that they should centralize the currencies under control of anyone and everyone who would be willing to enforce the Rothschild currency in exchange for being paid very highly by the same family, i.e. cede to the Luciferians economic control over the increasingly wealthy west.



The cult cannot withstand logic, that's their weakness.

IAMQ2 ID: 6ab517 May 20, 2018, 12:59 a.m. No.1478701   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8710

Symbolism will be their downfall




The earliest yet discovered reference to the @ symbol is a religious one; it features in a Bulgarian translation of a Greek chronicle written by Constantinos Manasses in 1345. Held today in the Vatican Apostolic Library, it features the @ symbol in place of the capital letter alpha "A" in the word Amen. Why it was used in this context is still a mystery.


A mystery, wiki?

IAMQ2 ID: 6ab517 May 20, 2018, 3:23 a.m. No.1479189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9193 >>9201

Looks like the EU chose….POORLY



IAMQ2 ID: 6ab517 May 20, 2018, 3:27 a.m. No.1479201   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9216





"U.S. financial sanctions apply to all 'foreign financial institutions,' which the Treasury Department has previously interpreted to include 'central banks or foreign state-owned or -controlled banks,' not just private banks," Richard Goldberg, a senior adviser at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, wrote in a memo after Trump withdrew from the deal. "Countries that consider shifting their payment processing from private institutions to central banks will put their financial systems at serious risk."




Recall Q: