=HOW R U Baker ?=
Great to hear for a change KEK. I usually walk into a panicked Anon ebake situation about this time .Good to know I can surf and enjoy. Let me know when you need a break I will help whenever. Il be here .
Then ,Slack it is !!
OMG are we STILLLLLL talking about the signature?? That was 8 hrs ago's question.
Why give them 23 seconds of prep? Of course Ole Quey Boy has us all guesserdasting
Il pass thanks for the warning tho. It's like a kindygarden in here sometimes.
Here have some ComeyPorn
Def don't want to bake until needed ,Il try not to shit up the breads too much KEKing as well. Cheers BakerTeam
Did they fix that COMPED website yet? Why are you promoting this when people never get accurate counts and they go BACKWARDS. Why are we not petitioning another site?WH site was not under 45s control last time I did a petition the numbers instantly went backwards in count.
Pray it never happens again . People are too gullible and want to believe people are good . These creatures ((((THEM)))) are NOT good at all. But they lie so well. Good luck team once we get MAGA then we have to KEEP it. The cycle begins again.
I see. Well why does Q not have this site under his control by now? I am sure they are busy but its a pretty big deal you know. THE WHITE HOUSE PETITIONS website. Pretty important shit to get under the thumb. I hope that is in the works as well. I would imagine it is. All takes time. I trust Q and I trust the plan. I applaud you for your massive efforts by the way. Just had my conspiracy goggles welded on permanently in 2001 .sep 11 to be exact.
Jesus,…STILL nobody has figured out the guy in the mirror is shopped in there his collar goes way into the mirror frame.
DUMB MOVE DIPSHITS !! Sic em Q !!!!!!!!!
FB and Twitter have me completely shadow banned. I have 5000 friends and when I post only the same 4 or 5 people comment or see it , or its THAT unpopular to support MAGA and President Trump. Like I GAF!!! Trump45 FTW FOREVER !!!!!!
Yea I do not even know what Normal life with friends is anymore. EVERYONE is brainwashed by the MSM so hardcore , my entire family thinks I am insane since 911 i been screaming at the top of my lungs at these apes . It will be weird to have a life again with friends who understand .
I'm not i jsut love German history and I think the nazi theme is funny as hell and I respect the non evil germans who fought in the war like Wittman ,Geudarian, Rommel, Skorsezne(bad guy but cool) etc.. Other Anons like the nazi shit too thats all its just a joke. I think Hitler is hilarious and all the memes. Its all just a joke here.
Ok so I am the ONLY ANon in 10 million that post NAZI shit. FUCK YOU STOP TALKING
Wrong, Michael Wittman Top Tank commander
Those VPN records doh !!!
Bad guys phones are comped tho …… Q has it all … Member ?!!
I have no idea , just lots of prayers and confidence in THE PLAN that Q will destroy the evil vaticannot/westminster shabby/united abominations /distict of criminals cabal. THE MAP .
GITMO 4 THAT TRAITOR !!!!!!!!!!!! Make Black America Great Again dammit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes you did.
Yea last "friend" i was talking to said "Yea Yea Yea Q ain't gonna do shit.Nothing's gonna happen'' .I shut up at that point and with FB fucking me up keeping me in a box I jsut hang here now .Even GLP is a hellhole of comped (them))) as admin. I just hang here with my Anonheads.
This guy's brain must be comped. Alcohol dissolves the fat between the cells dipshit! It's a solvent ! No fat between cells = no electric current flows. I recognize an alcoholic typing when I see one. Corsicompedco is a DRUNK
I believe so ?!! Maybe not Anon! I know Vittman was not a nazi .He was just an everyday shlub like me that got stuffed in a tank and told what to do by evil fucking IHS cabal fucks at the top. He destroyed like 250 tanks or something I cannot remeber ,then got the cap blown off his tiger.
He disliked Nazi top heads from what I recall is what i meant to type.
I Heart this Baker !! TQ !!