>>1478640 (pb)
This anon knows exactly what I'm talking about.
>>1478640 (pb)
This anon knows exactly what I'm talking about.
I highly doubt there is a single anon here who isn't actively being targeted for brainwashing.
What are they afraid of exactly?
What is the worst any of us can do to them?
This falls way short of our bill of rights.
Maybe we need open and free debate among patriots first. Of course, when EVERY FUCKING ONLINE FORUM is COMPLETELY FUCKING INFILTRATED by PAID SHILLS it isn't possible for that type of debate to take place. /rant
I'm all for a real IBOR but we need a forum to develop it first.
Burn the fucking paytraitors at the stake.
Whoever it is has access to specific anons' NSA metadata.
yes, quite a bit, not going to dox myself here, shills already doing that enough
Q has it, Q has everything. I am a honeypot but I never imagined it would take this long. The bot in question doesn't bother me, it's actually funny in the way it leaks.
And I didn't realize how much information about this board you are missing. The last boom is going to be magical, promise.
I don't know of anything that bot has posted that would be of general interest without information that would dox an anon (the metadata).
addresses, names of children with birthdays, private conversations, VERY private conversations, references to private photos, proof that every last shred of my privacy has been violated
Q is aware, it took awhile but I haven't seen it happen in the last few days. BO doesn't need to take action.
For those that want proof of exactly how deeply surveilled they are, look VERY CLOSELY at the headlines of your favorite news sites the next few days. Eyes wide open.
lmfao, eyes open, you specifically
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