Anonymous ID: a2c339 Oct. 15, 2021, 5:13 a.m. No.14789778   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9782


National Organizations

1000 Grandmothers for Future Generations

198 methods

Alliance for Climate Education

Amazon Watch

Animas Valley Institute

Another Gulf is Possible

Atmos Financial

Aytzim: Ecological Judaism

Ben & Jerry’s

Beyond Extreme Energy

Blue Future

Breast Cancer Action

Can You Hear Us?

Care About Climate


Center for Climate Change Communication

Center for International Environmental Law

Center for Popular Democracy

Climate First!

Climate Hawks Vote

Climate Justice Alliance

Climate Mobilization Project

Climate Trace

Collaborative Center for Justice

Common Ground Rising

Daily Kos

Dayenu: A Jewish Call to Climate Action


Descendants’ Alliance

Earth Action

Earth Day Initiative

Earth Ethics




Effective Climate Action Project

Elders Climate Action

Food & Water Watch

FracTracker Alliance

Fridays for Future USA

Future Coalition

Geos Institute

Global Exchange

Global Witness

Green America

Green Education and Legal Fund


Healthy Gulf

Hip Hop Caucus

Human Dimensions TV

In the Shadow of the Wolf

Indigenous Peoples Power Project


Institute for Policy Studies Climate Policy Program

International Marine Mammal Project


Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics

Lutherans Restoring Creation

Mothers Out Front

National Network for Immigrant & Refugee Rights

Nuclear Information & Resource Service

Oceanic Preservation Society

OneUpAction International


Our Climate

Oxfam America

Pacific Environment


People’s Action

People’s Justice Council

Plastic Pollution Coalition

Poder Latinx

Power Shift Network

Progressive Democrats of America

Property Rights & Pipeline Center

Quaker Earthcare Witness

Rainforest Action Network


Revolution Coalition Network



Seeding Sovereignty

Seventh Generation

Sierra Club

Society of Native Nations

Sunrise Movement

Surfrider Foundation

Sustainable Energy & Economy Network

Sustaining Way

The Borneo Project

The CLEO Institute

The Enviro Show

The Future Left

The Natural History Museum

The River Project

The YEARS Project

Unitarian Universalist Association

Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth


WE ACT for Environmental Justice


Western Environmental Law Center

WildEarth Guardians

Women’s Earth & Climate Action Network (WECAN)

Women’s Environment & Development Organization

World Centric

Young Entertainment Activists

Young Evangelicals for Climate Action

Zero Hour

State and Regional-level Organizations

350 Colorado

350 DC

350 Hawaii

350 New Hampshire

350 New Hampshire Action

Alabama Interfaith Power & Light

Berks Gas Truth

Better Path Coalition

California Kitchen

Call to Action CO

Central California Environmental Justice Network

Church Women United in New York State

Clean Energy Now Texas

Climate Action Rhode Island / 350 Rhode Island

Colorado Businesses for a Livable Climate

Colorado Democratic Party Energy & Environment Initiative

Courage California

Extinction Rebellion Massachusetts

Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition

Florida Rising

Fossil Free California

Hawai’i Institute for Human Rights

Healthy Environment Alliance of Utah

Micronesia Climate Change Alliance

Minnesota Interfaith Power and Light

MN 350

NC Warn

New Energy Economy

New Jersey People’s Party

New Mexico Environmental Law Center

New York Communities for Change

New York Progressive Action Network

North Carolina Climate Justice Collective

Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility

Our Revolution Michigan

Pass the Federal Green Deal Coalition of Washington

Physicians for Social Responsibility Pennsylvania

Power Past Fracked Gas

Protect Our Water, Heritage, Rights

Pueblo Action Alliance

Rogue Climate

SoDak 350

South Carolina Interfaith Power & Light

Southwest Native Cultures

Texas Campaign for the Environment

Texas Coalition Against Pipelines

Texas Grassroots Network

Wilderness Workshop

Youth Vs. Apocalypse

Anonymous ID: a2c339 Oct. 15, 2021, 5:14 a.m. No.14789782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9792


Local Organizations

2degrees Green Neighbors

350 Austin

350 Bay Area

350 Butte County

350 Central Mass

350 Charlotte

350 Conejo / San Fernando Valley

350 Deschutes

350 Eugene

350 Everett

350 Juneau

350 Kishwaukee

350 Madison

350 Mass. Berkshire

350 Merced

350 NH Action

350 Pensacola

350 Pittsburgh

350 Sacramento

350 Santa Barbara

350 Seattle

350 Silicon Valley

350 Spokane

350 Tacoma

350 Triangle

350 Yakima

350 PDX

Athens County’s Future Action Network

Austin Climate Coalition

Call to Action Madison

Citizens Alliance for a Sustainable Englewood

Climate Conversations North Central Washington

Compressor Free Franklin

Conejo Climate Coalition

Extinction Rebellion PDX

Extinction Rebellion SF Bay Area

Fossil Free Environment

Fossil Fuel Divest Harvard

Frac Sand Sentinel

GASP – Clean Air. Healthy Communities.

Idle No More SF Bay

Idle No More SoCal

Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition

Indivisible Denver

Kickapoo Peace Circle

Liveable Arlington

Long Beach Alliance for Clean Energy

Long Island Activists

Long Island Network for Change

Milwaukee Riverkeeper

Napa Climate NOW!

No Coal in Oakland

North Country 350 Alliance

Northern Colorado Community Rights Network

NY02 Indivisible

Occupy Bergen County NJ

Our Revolution Bemidji

Our Revolution Minnesota CD07

Our Revolution Minnesota CD08

People’s Organization for Progress

Progressive East End Reformers

Puget Sound Advocates for Retirement Action

Renewables Now Loveland

Rutgers Council American Association of University Professors – American Federation of Teachers

San Bernardino Valley Audubon Sociey


Santa Cruz Climate Action Network

Show Up Long Island

Sisters Health & Wellness Collective

Sisters of St. Dominic of Blauvelt, New York


Social Eco Education Los Angeles

Suffolk Progressives

Sunflower Alliance

Sustainable Jersey City

Together We Will Long Island

Tompkins County Progressives

Western North Carolina Climate Action Coalition

Youth Climate Strike Los Angeles

Anonymous ID: a2c339 Oct. 15, 2021, 5:19 a.m. No.14789792   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9809



archive of cached, memory-holed, letter regarding the

"new national Build Back Fossil Free campaignto push for bold science-

based climate policies & actions. "


Build Back Fossil Free

350 Eugene <>

Sun, Jan 10, 2021 at 6:00 AM




Dear Elliot ,

With the BIPOC-led electoral victories in our pocket, this is our moment to demand the BIG

changes we need. On climate. On racism. On justice.

This remains true: to change everything, we need everyone. So, the people are rising! You

see it everywhere. (Think of Georgia!) Even under COVID-19. And nothing is going to stop


We are part of the new national Build Back Fossil Free campaign to push for bold science-

based climate policies & actions. These are the three main categories of our demands:

  1. Protect and invest in the Black, Indigenous, Brown, and working-class communities

that have borne the brunt of fossil fuel pollution and climate disaster.

  1. Reject new fossil projects, eliminate giveaways to oil, gas, and coal corporations, and

end the era of fossil fuel production


  1. Launch a national climate mobilization to Build Back Fossil Free, delivering jobs,

justice, and opportunity for all.

There are 25 key executive actions within these categories that Biden can take to protect and

invest in communities, end the era of fossil fuel production, and #BuildBackFossilFree. Every

action should come with strong labor standards to protect workers’ rights and be developed

with meaningful consultation with Indigenous peoples, workers, frontline communities, and

other affected constituencies

Anonymous ID: a2c339 Oct. 15, 2021, 5:24 a.m. No.14789809   🗄️.is 🔗kun





#BuildBackFossilFree is calling for distributed events across the country to demonstrate

massive political support.

'''350 Eugene has been part of a local coalition of two dozen climate, social justice & faith

organizations to organize in the event of a coup. Under a national POC-led coalition called'''

The People's Inauguration, the coalition has planned and will participate in a community art

installation to mark a new era of people-powered-democracy.''' The effort is in line with the

Climate Ribbon Project from the Paris Climate Talks''' days, and is designed to allow groups to

concisely express their demands for the future we want to see, in writing, on colorful ribbons.

These will be displayed at Mims House (330 High St) in Eugeneon January 21st from noon

to 4pm.

If you want to participate and you don't have a suitable ribbon, you can pick up your ribbon,

marker and directions/suggestions at Betzi's house (under her patio carport in the back; self-

serve: there's a box there with all you need) at 1609 Charnelton Avenue starting Wednesday,

January 13th at noon. You can write your wish on the ribbon there and leave it, or take it

home to save for the time during our Meet-up on January 15th (see details below!), when

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we'll break out for a mini-art-build together. Then you can return it to Betzi's by the morning of

January 21st or directly to Mims House on January 21st from noon to 4:00 pm.

We'll be taking photos and sharing them with the #BuildBackFossilFree national team!