I swear those look like stylized horns in the queen's hairdo.
And the happenings just keep coming. The next few weeks are going to see a lot of popcorn popped.
http:// www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/05/18/informant-spied-on-trump-campaign-before-the-fbi-officially-began-its-probe/
https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-17/inspector-general-finds-fbi-doj-broke-law-clinton-email-probe-refers-criminal
>Putin has already said there will be no foreign forces in Syria.
Putin giving cover to POTUS to pull us out of the Middle East? He is just as Machiavellian as POTUS, and has the interests of his country first, as does POTUS. Possible/plausible?