He just had to make his 3.50 (treefiddy) a post real quick then back to lurq he said. .
Bakerโฆ. ME LIKEY !!!! TQ for you're service to the GA !!
They try to hide up in canada to avoid Q's detection using VPN's . Time is ticking tho me thinks.
I can't take another day of snibbenings like we had yesterday wow ! It was the snibbliest!
Love the photos he keeps of his Mother and Father on the table there . What a good man , I know they are proud looking down . EVERYONE is proud of our amazing president Trump ! Billions and billions !! Immortal legend in the making ! Honored to be here with Q all !
I got my whole crew of tards softened up good for the blow for sure. Everybody knows something BIG is snibenning.
I got to admit tho the Q reeeeeeee!!! post was epic. I was like WTF ?!! KEK
I got that real quick , it was the first thing I saw my eyes bugged KEKMAXX! I knew it was comped within seconds it was the initial view of it was what is hilarious
A spaceship hovered above me and 6 people 1 verifiable witness my friend for 20 min it was incredible colors of light not from this planet.Never seen colors like that. The ship flashed this meme in my mind in 2009 during the encounter .I could not draw it or see it all just a corner of it .I thought about it everyday and wondered what the symbol was .I only realized what it was when I saw it again a few months ago. They are with us FOR SURE and we were born for this Anons ! I got sauce on the witness as well but , I am sure it's not needed everyone knows by now UFO/ET are here and have been . Just my lil story in the GA . Peace .
They are saying they are protecting the volcano in hawaii with code. Just my 5D guess .
I know what the fuck was implanted in my mind, don't tell me what my exp is or was. Thanks for the comments tho but I KNOW what I saw. TQ
Yea sorry i was a dick. I am a vicious fighting troll crusher Anon Baker and full time anon. I am edgy alot . The ride never ends in here .I think the message was I /we were going to be a part of the meme war in the future. i have had many other strang events along the road i will not elaborate on so as not to slide any further but I will say I saw all this happen in my mind and its all making sense as the awakening deepens. Swear not to die Anon we must defeat evil. ! Q wins clowns LOSE !!!
Give it a few months your name it wil appear for you .
Second thought give it a few WEEKS kek. It's moving so fast there are so many bakers now you will need a name soon so we know if you are a faggot clown or not. I am sure your bakername will appear at just the right time. Good Luck baker team.
Nice one Powdis !!!
I bet both of them are preparing their diddly holes for Q to take them out. Inside the clinton househole right now !!!
U must be NEW here
Never telegraph you're moves to the enemyโฆ
Preparing of the didily holes โฆ..
Great movies , great actors.Ssee pic attached .