you still do not get it.
there are no rules in a false information war.
moar mythos.
it just does not make sense.
they can not be over confident and panicking at the same time.
<you fukrz need to get your stories straight.
fuck off
you are supposed to great awakening the sheep.
silent message bullshit.
you can not.
care to try the truth?
this was q tasking.
it was accomplished.
congratulations to you and all whom worked so hard.
crackedmind on view.
at least they are winning.
you are no magical dwarf.
if one has eyes at all
one can see what is.
do not heed those whom hear and say.
all data is questionable atp, tbk.
make no mistake, you
and all that you hold dear,
are in very deep shit.
the details matter less than the fact.
are you psychologically, emotionally,
physically and spiritually
ready to support
those that depend upon you
when hell comes?
.jpg related…
did you listen?