Watch the video. He makes it very obvious he's reading from a dummy card. Why would he do that, I wonder? Isn't that what you do when you are bad at acting/can't remember your lines?
Yes because optics would never come into play in a world wide psyop.
Some are anti-COVID vax and pro choice (anti-mandate). Some are vaxxed and pro choice (anti-mandate). Finding common ground based in constitutional rights is going to be key moving forward, and the eventuality of the vaccinated could be used as a catalyst for unity against the machine that seeks to control us all. This is going to come down the public consciousness just like it did in other countries.
The people will need to stand together to resist COVID passport mandates (a prelude of sorts to something else). To all the fear-mongering public preaching a book they hardly spent any time trying to understand, and now consider themselves experts on, other countries (Denmark, Sweden) are already on the other side of this waiting for the next shit show to start. As is normally the case with these agendas, USA is last in line, and for whatever reason, everyone's looking to what the USA is going to do to see where the tail wags the dog next.
Of course, if you actually believe in the book, the end result is unavoidable, so what do? It's a real head scratcher, innit? Do anons think they can rewrite the future, somehow? Perhaps the real reason for the book's existence is to serve as a constant warning of what could be instead of writing the future in stone like it should never be.
2 Cor 3:17
Keep an eye on this map, and be ready to provide updates as needed. They are attempting a full on balkanization of the USA.