Ahhhhh, grampa likes little girls. Remember when we had a real president?
Never forget what they took from you.
Ahhhhh, grampa likes little girls. Remember when we had a real president?
Never forget what they took from you.
Put cuffs on him and he'll stop.
What if it was a picture of George Bush Sr. on the execution gurney?
They don't let me drive anymore. But I'm allowed to play president while fondling little girls.
He was running against Warren Commission, Whip Inflation Now, Gerald Ford. Whose answer to runaway inflation caused by Nixon was to issue WIN buttons and stickers. Carter just squeeked past Ford in 1976. Carter wouldn't kiss the pope's ring. In fact, if I remember right Carter didn't meet with the pope at all. Good Protestant boy.
Remember what they took from you.
Carter, you fag!
Buttigieg has been on maternity leave for 2 months. The kike Deputy Sec. of Transportation has been throwing a wrench into the gears.
That big, toothy grin.
Is this real?
cannot unseen
Did the citizens get to vote on this "Bill"?