Very early this morning I was doing BioMedical research and stumbled across some very interesting Bacteria( species Magnetospirillum magnetotacicum) that have a direct correlation to the VAX being pushed. The bacteria have a magnetic property, can extract iron from Red Blood cells and can derive electricity chemically. Two bacteria, one found in a pond in Iowa and the other found in a lake near WOHAN!
If you know the bacteria, you may be able to reverse/stop the internal process and save millions of people, this is a huge find that can potentially make a big different for those that took this junk if they can be treated in time. We need scientists looking at this now. Get the word out PLEASE. DIG, Dig, Dig, help stop the spread and the killing.
Brief Background
The research started in the 1970's Remember the final product is an MRNA (a Modified RNA); They had time to make refinements to the bacteria since then. It must be shipped at -20C in Nitrogen to remain stable. Remember the special refrigeration trucks?
"The species Magnetospirillum magnetotacicum was isolated from microaerobic zones in freshwater sediments in 1979 by Blakemore. What makes this organism so interesting is the ability to create a specialized vacuole that collects iron and, over time, forms single crystals of ferrimagnetite iron oxides like magnetite. These specialized vacuoles are called magnetosomes. Through the use of these magnetosomes, the bacteria can use the magnetic field of the environment (usually this will be the earth) to orient themselves in the proper manner for optimum growth.
Magnetotactic bacteria represent a diverse group of prokaryotes with respect to morphology and physiology that are capable of magnetic orientation. All known magnetotaxic bacteria belong to the protobacteria and the Nitrospirae phylum. Most known species are also within the alphaproteobacteria. Magnetotaxis is the detection of magnetic stimuli while responding in a desired behavior."
Where to order/buy
Description of the Bacteria functionality (see any BIG Clues)
Lots of images of and about the bacteria (see any that look familiar)
Testing in 1979
Research using mice (excuse to help children that OD on too much iron)