jus' checkin'
Cruise Speed: 345 mph
Maximum Altitude: 51,000 feet (15,545 meters)
Maximum Takeoff Weight: C-37A: 90,500 pounds (41,050 Kg); C-37B: 91,000 pounds (41,277 Kg)
Range: C-37A: 6,300 miles (5,500 nautical miles) normal cruise; C-37B: 6,700 miles (5,560 nautical miles) normal cruise
Load: 12 passengers
collected it a while back
it was or is some kind of a grid reference system
nobody was talking canary islands back then
but i thought the Q line was interesting for that location
apologies anon, things just ping me
if you move left along the "Q" reference line to 17Q, whereabouts would that be in relation to the isles?
problem is i could never find that exact reference system again so i just filed it away and forgot about it.
maybe tracking that down deserves a second look