Hey bros. This.
me too bro
Cool pic man. I actually no ave guns. I back 2nd amendment though and friends that are all like, When the shit goes down, we got you covered little buddy!
They look the same right? That night we were on that bread, it was prety funny. They are all, like, in the same club man, i'm tellin you anonsโฆpreaching to the choir I know.
I thought I had the meme on Hillary's dad being with Al Capone. I can't finds it. Is anybody on that knows whats i'm talking about. I think that has a lot to do with it kek.
Coo anon, I hadn't seen that one yet. Saved.
I made this a while cak. I need to do a uptaded version with sound. I trade you for the steal.
>videos like the ones you've put up piss off the good cops far more than anyone else.
Oh sorry bro. I din'tmy intentions weren't to piss off cops, I just showing they fight fight back. And they good guys. IDK. Sorry to i guess show what some would be negastive optics, but IDK It makes me feel like thay know, like they have been under heavy duty pressure plus they families careers on line.
It was a thing of morale boost for us. I try to clean up my posts a lot since I post here. I forget the sfw good people that like to come here and get turned off by negative stuff.
If you look at my pass psots in the bread, I'm trying to be uh, good morale. IDK, i'm not perfect but. I firgured people would have been like, "fuck yeah!"
HAHA! That's one the funniest webm's around.
Yeah bro i know. I mean, I din't know until recently too when the meme was posted. I know I saved it, but dam, I can'ts find it now.. Fuck i'm typing with one hand right now. Mess up my hand in the morning, fingers. Smash it long story. Work.
Frens o7
I got the quotes. I post them every now then. That dude in pic has Capones lips. Can you see the resemblance?
>note for the grammar nazis
I meant *Capone's.
Thank you for making me more literate. But I posted it before the correction. Can't delete or edit posts here.
90's night
I will keep searching anon. I got shit load hillary. It's an abyss of a folder if you know what I mean kekโฆ..FOUND IT!
I iwll make a cropped up version now. Give me a sec guys.
Remember Dan Aykroyd. He gave us one hell of a redpill.
"I am contractually obligated to PR for the movie", referring to the woke remake.
They are all contractually obligated to do and say things for obvious reasons, wealth and such.
What about Mike? You believe the fake new sabout him being a pedo. Idk. KNowing everyting I knwo now. I don't believe it anymore. He was always a great american unity type guy. Everybody in the world love Mike. He represented America awesome.