this was interesting
>OP, why do we(at least I) keep seeing the eye in pyramid? I see it a lot, like as a painting in a movie scene. Why? I guess it is a message to the viewers subconsciousness? What is the significance? Nothing is conincidence, right? Is it relevant to "the next big thing"?
>Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18824743
Hello Mr. Turkey and Welcome!
I must say that you ask a question, at least in a roundabout way, which has some significance.
The all seeing eye DOES relate to the subconscious. What most, if not all have missed is the astounding fact that the subconscious is actually ALIEN to the human host.
I've given up on the Socratic method with the lump-heads on this forum, so presumably this is CLEAR and straight-forwarded enough for even the dimmest wit to understand.
Humans everywhere are anxiously awaiting the so-called ALIENS…never once stopping to consider they arrived long ago and inhabit the original humans inhabiting this planet.
This has NOTHING to do with everything I have explained previously of bloodlines et al…these are very separate and distinct fields of study.
The subconscious controls the human, and the subconscious is an ALIEN presence in humans. Not hard to go back and estimate when all THIS took place!
Laughing out Loud!!
What humans "know" via the conscious brain is analogus to that of other dumb beasts…cow, oxen, horse…those are your intellectual equals!
Laughing out Loud!
You are possessed and your meat-eating is thinly veiled blood sacrifice! Chew on that for awhile!
So you can see that your many so-called illusions of dominion of the earth are far from true. You can also see that you might want to stop with the blood sacrifice which nourishes your parasites.
"They" hate light and certain kinds of energy which come from a plant based diet. One can influence the parasite by changing the condition of the host!