>>>14804812, >>14804945, >>14805328, >>14805431, >>14805450 Hit Piece "Thousands of People Are Trying to Leave QAnon, but Getting Out Is Almost Impossible"
Jim Jones = Jim Watkins? kek
>>>14804812, >>14804945, >>14805328, >>14805431, >>14805450 Hit Piece "Thousands of People Are Trying to Leave QAnon, but Getting Out Is Almost Impossible"
Jim Jones = Jim Watkins? kek
Ask her to txt you on the spot. If she won't, forget it.
The British like to assure that they are free. After 1200 years of monarchy ffs.
I won't even talk to libtards anymore. They're just useless.
I tend to agree with Dr. Immanuel on this subject. Sterilization.
These fucktards can lose their businesses and nearly die from vaccines and they still think that the Creepy Admin et al are "keeping them safe." Libtards are really useless.
Mostly brainwashed tv addicts. Useless.
Libtard and normies don't even understand how a taco truck is run, never mind a multi-generational international cabal.
The UK is a perfect example of giving the illusion of freedom. #1 is no guns allowed.