How to make JAR BABIES
Using technology available since the early 1950s'
Using the same techniques as used commercially for animals
Either blatocyst/biopsy
Or blastomere splitting
Clone some female embryos
Implant in surrogate mothers using trafficked girls
Harvest the babies and onspect for flaws
A damaged one cab be kept for use as a breeder
Or sold for sacrifice
Deliver to foster families for the usual conditioning
For a life as a sex kitten
After puberty collect the girls and impregnate with semen from the chosen male specimen
Over multiple generations breed for ambiguous brown ethnicity so the child can become middle eastern or hispanic or …
After birth the breeder can be finished using Monarch programming to prevent disclosure.
Suicide boobytraps are implanted for this
The children will likely go into preplanned roles and will be given to foster families for raising and conditioning
Thr breeders are used agan as many times as needed
One female should be able to produce 15+ children from the same chosen male.
Assuming a cloning yield of 8 identical breeders (3 divisions)
That would provide a yield of up to 120 offspring for the chosen male
Cloning can also be done sarting from adult human cells.
This is harder
To get a yield of one healthy clone suitable for organ harvesting
You need to create several clones
Flaws are frequent so choose the best child and dispose of the rest
If your goal is MK Ultra subjects the technique is the same just make a lot more copies to get larger yields.
Preferably get source cells from proven men such as US Navy SEALs or Delta Force operators.
You can clone female fighters as well
To provide companions for men in deep cover operations
These women should be sterilised shortly after birth
All three types of clones are in production