>Hydrogen dioxide treatment worthy of examination
Is "hydrogen dioxide" going to be a thing now because I mistyped? Kek of all keks.
>Hydrogen dioxide treatment worthy of examination
Is "hydrogen dioxide" going to be a thing now because I mistyped? Kek of all keks.
>The best source of News available.
As much as we might bemoan the fact that this board seems to have become little more than a news aggregation site, there is no getting away from the fact that the board also has its finger on the pulse of the world.
There is no better place to keep in touch with what is worth knowing than to haunt QR every moment you can spare. Over and out.
When do you finish it so we can see the hanging?
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to hang Joe Biden. The future of the world depends on you, Jim.
>Let's go Justin
Kek. In the not too distant future "let's go" will officially become a swear word.
>When will we see this charade come to an end?
In March 2021, Donald Trump will seize the throne.
But, seriously, date fagging is pointless. The Plan is hidden from us.
>There's still 30% of population that approves how he's doing things.
Only if you believe the polls. Has he done one thing right? Just one?
>Ask yourself why it's worth their effort. What motivates their actions.
I find it hard to imagine any average person being so pissed at us, for whatever reason, that it would be worth the time to annoy us by trashing the breads.
It has to be paid assassins.
>Focus on the subjects they're trying to prevent you from discussing.
The nuclear bomb myth comes to mind. That always seems to get a rise.
>And some shill comes here and calls us trash and thinks that bothers us?
They have no idea who they are dealing with.
Aarggggh! Another chess puzzle. Damn you, anon, you are such a temptress, kek.
Having trouble with this one. The problem is that black has too many options. And four moves involves a lot of possible permutations.
>Also, the Earth is flat. I know you're going to discredit anything I'm saying just for saying this
How much are you getting paid for this?
The only logical first move is to put the King in check with the Rook because the Queen is under attack by the Knight.
Now that is just dumb. Riddles don't materialize.
That's not new, anon. It's at least two years old. Unfortunately, Joe M's Youtube channel got deleted so I don't have an exact date.
Clay Travis says boobs on CNN.
Behold the power of the hand of God!
>What most people think of the physical horizon of the Earth is just the optical horizon, and the way your perspective works in combination with air distorting the image.
Due to refraction, it is possible to see over the horizon. This is not true in all weather conditions but it what flat earthers always trot out as proof that the earth is flat. What can't I see Europe from New York?
>There is more evidence than you might think that the Earth isn't flying through space.
If it's not flying through space then where is it? Sitting on the back of a tortoise?
>sorry, i don't buy the standard bs answer that normies will commit mass suicide if we show them the real frazzle drip.
I'll buy that.
> let the chips fall where they may.
>You would zoom until the atmosphere got too opaque and you can't see through it any farther.
Got any numbers for that? How far can we see through the atmosphere?
It's a bot.
>50 miles max on a very clear day.
Too bad. All of those satellites 200 miles above the earth are out of luck.
Of course, there are no satellites because the dome is only 50 miles above us.
English is hard. I, too, have trouble separating "who" and "whom".
Holy shit! Carmageddon in real life.