Dear Anons,
Throughout 2019 to early 2021 I was very interested in Q. I voted for Trump in 2020. But, now I find myself not trusting Trump. The vaccines, the lockdowns, the fake virus, his funding, the crazy scandals and storylines, the general fakery of everything. I feel like maybe Q is real, but it was a way to drag you down into the pits of this conspiracy world, and a few great minds would be awakened forever, and you can see a conspiracy that's deeper than the content of Q's posts. Q rode the bible and Trump to piggyback where you currently are in reality, with the truths of the money conspiracy, the secret life of the elites, etc. I do have some hope Trump is playing 4D chess, but to me even his role seems forced, and I have a hard time shaking the feeling that "Trusting the Plan" is just us being set up. I know these kinds of thoughts are just called concern fagging in these parts, but I don't know how quite to show you where I'm at. I feel like Trump is just another Zionist shill like the rest of them, and he rode Q as much as he could, and maybe Q rode back to capture your attention. It's hard for me to reconcile how badly Trump's presidency went, and where his money and power comes from.
Honestly, at the bottom of the rabbit hole is finding out that all of reality is consciousness. We are God's consciousness playing a role of existence within God's consciousness. It is our role to find truth in this world, and bring it to the light. The worship all that is good and beautiful. You don't need a religion to worship, you just need to understand the divine nature of reality, and worship this reality as heaven, and treat it with the respect it deserves. God wanted a purpose to his infinite nature, so he created a reality with logical limits to give everything purpose.
Also, the Earth is flat. I know you're going to discredit anything I'm saying just for saying this, but there is no measurable curve, and refraction can't account for the things that people are recording. The planets when zoomed in look like stars. The sky rotates above us in a clock, and the earth is stationary and it's atmosphere is contained under a ceiling. We wouldn't even be able to see the stars at the distances they tell us. The physics just don't add up. NASA is completely fake.
I'm not sure why Q doesn't admit the Earth is flat. If Ayyys are real, they probably come from other sun and moon systems under the ceiling. Could be a concentric circles, and or just many adjacent worlds, who knows. Can't even explore because of the antarctic treaty.
Our history is very fake, something really strange is going on, but look into Tartaria and the mudfloods of the 1800s. Think about all the amazing churches and structures built by ancestors. Could anyone even attempt to build something like that today?
Maybe it's because part of the operation was meeting people sort of at their "level." To involve them in a longer term plan of creating a true awakening. Neo took the redpill, but it was up to him to figure out the nature of his reality.
In short the rabbit hole is crazy, and I'm not sure what Q really is still.