Disgusting George Stephanopoulos and Dossier Publisher Chris Steele Dish on Alleged Pee-Pee Tape Knowing It was Debunked in IG Report
The controversial writer of the infamous Donald Trump dossier, Christopher Steele, sat down with ABC News reporter George Stephanopoulos where he discussed what he knew was true and what wasn’t.
The Steele dossier was used by the Comey-Wray FBI that they knew was complete garbage was used to spy on Donald Trump, his family, his campaign, his administration.
In January 2017 the Trump-Russia dossier was first published on Buzzfeed.
This bogus document was used by the FBI to spy on Trump officials.
It was a complete fabrication.
According to the document, as reported at The Gateway Pundit back in January 2017 when it was first published…
Trump partook in “golden showers” in Russia with prostitutes on a bed Obama once slept on… Russia then blackmailed Trump, not by asking for money or influence in his business deals, but by forcing him to run for president against all odds and win?
Here is the story that the CIA and idiots in the FAKE NEWS Media pushed in their coup against President Trump.
Let’s recount:
(Image from the leaked report)
** Obama has a meeting in Russia.
** Trump flies to Russia, finds out the hotel room Obama stayed in, and books it.
** Trump finds at least two hookers and invites them to Obama’s former hotel suite.
** Trump instructs the hookers to PISS ON THE BED because he hates Obama so much.
** Little did Trump know Putin had the entire room outfitted with video cameras.
** The Russian government now has video proof of Trump watching hookers PISS on a bed.
** Russian government tells Trump they will release the video if he does not run for president.
** Trump runs for president and against all odds and WINS the White House.
And no one questioned this report at the time? And the FBI ran with it?
Back in December 2019 the Inspector General report revealed, as we predicted, the Trump hooker golden shower story was completely made up in a bar over beers.
The Stasi FBI ran with it to destroy Trump anyway.