Fuck the vax. When will it be okay to say "Let's go, Trump"?
So he got rejected three times and now thinks he's really a girl?
Some people will make any excuse for failing at life.
We are the Borg. You will be vaxxed. Resistance is futile.
Hmm, that looks like a keeper. Drives the point home pretty darn well.
It's 2021. The year of the perverts.
Does anybody believe these numbers?
I don't. They lie in order to convince the non-vaxoids to join the Borg.
Some people should just kill themselves instead of trying to convince the rest of us to abandon all hope. Does anybody believe these poll numbers? Like with the death vax, they try to convince you that you are in the minority. There are many reasons for not having kids. Bad weather isn't one of them.
A large American study found that some 60 per cent of 27- to 45-year-olds reported concerns about children contributing to climate change. But almost all — 97 per cent — were concerned about what would await those children in a world devastated by climate change.
How did "lobotomies" get on that list? Freudian slip?
>Why have I never heard of anyone mentioning muhRight To Trylaws put into place under GEOTUS?
They don't want you to know about that. They want you to get the vax. Period.
>but the Democrats are really good at it!!!
The demonrats suck at everything. They can only succeed with a bought and paid for media that lies for them. If we had a properly functioning Fourth Estate, they would be toast.
Wow, that was incoherent.
>fluency in HTML, CSS and Javascript
I'll bet that there are not many who qualify. Most web designers are shitheads who only know how to WYSIWYG a web page on a third-party tool that spits out horribly inefficient code. Check how much crap gets downloaded from an average website because all they care about is advertising. Efficiency? What's that?
There's a lot of things the Republicans should be doing. Most of them are just as compromised as the dems and the braver ones get shut down. Right To Try isn't going to help when nobody stands up for the doctors who are being threatened with the loss of their practice for even breathing the words Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine.
Top o' the mornin' to you. Now get those pesky sheep under control.
Black has one other move: take the pawn. The next move will still be checkmate.
Oops. I mean White can take the pawn.
Days of glory. Now the board gets what kind of traffic? With all the fuckery with the DNS and the image server, the traffic has likely dropped by 75% or more.
Q asked Ron to beef up the servers. So, yeah, it was a stress test.
Cheers, fren.
I suggest you look at who they are trying to blame for the killing. It is unlikely that the declared culprits are the actual culprits. Somebody may be trying to get ahead of the narrative.
That is an odd sort of game that you're playing there.
Goblin Day rapidly approaches.
The Ghost in the Machine.
>NO ONE is going to the hospital. People are petrified.
As they should be. The hospitals have become homicide zones.
Stay home and heal yourself, if you can.
The article gets it all wrong. The aspirin is not for Covid. It is for the blood clotting from the vaxxes.
It's SuperMa'am.
Put Brandon along with Karen on the endangered list.
I suppose this is winning. They can't keep this up because even the most rabid Covid believer is starting to understand that this isn't about a virus.
Imagine an underclass of people, jobless and locked out of society, who literally have nothing better to do than to protest their oppression. You thought that the druggies and hobos were a problem? Now you've got a bigger problem and it won't go away until medical apartheid is lifted.
Like the piles of shoes supposedly left over from the supposed Holocaust.
>Business should have been taken care of.
Yeah? Like how? Call in the military to arrest everybody? Like a dictator?
>COVID and the vaxx have some overlapping symptoms/side effects.
Covid does not exist. No isolation. Only a computer simulation.
Crimes were committed. Crimes continue to be committed. They are protected by powerful forces. Doesn't matter whether Trump had the authority or legal basis to take action. What could he do short of calling in the Justice League? Who do you call when everyone around you is corrupt and complicit?
>Imagine how much worse it would be if he didn't get vaxxinated.
He would be twice as dead?
Aarrrr! Does me eye deceive me?
Check the record for the past decade.
West Nile in 2012; Ebola in 2014; Zika in 2016; measles in 2018.
We were due for another virus scare in 2020. Didn't expect it to be the BIG ONE though.
>I do it old school, by hand with a text editor.
Notepad? Kek, I should really upgrade but I got used to the barebones way of doing things. I had Editpad with all of the bells and whistles but that computer died so I just started using Notepad. I'm still reckless about changing reams of code with no way to undo it, kek. Maybe it made me smarter.