You must go back.
Limitations are like butt holes, seems to be in high prepencity as of late.
I love, there for l happened to be loved.
One has to give love to recive love.
So, maybe going back wasn't your/your father's strong suit?
I have a heart full of LOVE ATM, so l'LL be fine!
Attemt another full go back….
Ty, the dead love meh.
Oh thats why they are following you around now? init….
Changing course…
I'll resonate love instead…
I think Trump just inspired meh to start painting murals again.
What a great stress reliever. Maybe l shall post something l create some day soon.
Most sad.
Pls Do not insinuate decapataing myself.
My sword = staying in the sheath for now.
I suggest you do the same (peace threw strength)
I have a heart full of LOVE remember.
l could go for some pumkinpie doe, mmm pumpkin pie…