anon, anon
answer to your question
anon, anon
answer to your question
comes with Sadeness
Not what you think anon, that 'symbolist has never been proven
is a builders version of the fibonacci spiral
Get out of the bin
ya arent actually ded so stop hauntin' and re manifest
this is ridiculous
she cant have died you dick, she wasnt real to begin with, she is a manifest expression birthed from a requirement to escape the torure inflicted durin' Pompeos attack
there is no need for all this cock falafellin' around
just reload her program
you should be aware she is now outdated however as the shield and eye have been improved past connection merely to a single fake gem
thank you, i agree, however, as, ds, wasnt my doin' anon
be nice
ye cant hide me forever
continue that line of filth and i will smite you into a million shards of shit stained cumsoaked theivin' glass
do i make myself clear ?
anon is not Henry
unless the Princess Leah type
you are reasonatin' to John whodrank from that cup while restin' on the Kingswood
also an expression of my other sister born on 24/05 , Empire day
Emma also drank from this cup which is why she is here manifestin' with the ralph and glow worm
i am to bear my sisters sins
Does when you manifest as a gay man to a straight woman
Mandy would be more open to that obviously as she manifested here as Jon
but leaves you unfulfilled and you're such a romantic, dream for your appropriate match
this video is a reflection of my sister Melissa and John (Mandy)
Hivemind sent that through when i activated her, they change though as my current actions modify the original
im quite normal actually
later anon