IF that was Pamphlet, Pamphlet should have done better than post REEE if he wanted to be more convincing. ALSO, if the 1st poster WAS PA, explain the 2nd anon posting using same pw/trip. I'll wait (still waiting w/ the same ? yesterday)โฆ
Oh, you're using all caps, so it MUST be true right?
>No filters
As in Q can speak freely here Shills can speak freely here. Autists can speak freely here. ANYONE can speak freely here. "No filters" is NOT an instruction on whether to filter anyone on this board or not. That's a personal FREEDOM.
Thenhe needs to PROVE IT with more than 2 after the fact posts. Why doesn't PA post NOW as Q, why hasn't PA posted as Q since the reveal yesterday and make it plain with the new trip that yes, PA is posting as Q?
I dare him to, on this very bread!
Then he's LAME as fuck then.
Tell him i said "POST, BITCH!"
TO-DAY! Or consider yourself and him marked as frauds
>Pamplet is NOT claiming to be Q, other idiots are claiming Pamplet is Q, which is utter BS!
Q DID tell them to try harder, and they are KEK
No, no fight at all. Differing points of view, maybe, no fight. I myself rarely filter because I prefer my archives to be intact, everything on file. My mental filter handles the rest. Not everyone can walk the board like those with good mental filters, and use an option available to them, a crutch until them can walk. Not everyone has the stomach for everything posted, some are easily distracted, etc., I understand that. They want to see what they want to see, nothing wrong with it, doesn't impact anyone else, hence a personal freedom. I wouldn't say that anyone not using a filter is a clown, that doesn't even compute for me.
They'll fade off as they always do, but their bullshit will be left on the board for all to see. No counter arguments makes it more difficult for new eyes to determine what's fact & what's fiction. Lies are countered with Truth, not silence.
"muh" = "my" (insert preciously defended ideology or person here)
And if PA is not Q, who's the fraud then?
You conclude correctly anon. MSM does whatever they have to to keep ratings up, same with these dudes on a smaller scale. It's all marketing & promotions for their brand ofโฆwell, LARPing
KEK, I wouldn't give them that much credit, they ain't that high up the food chain. The followers come bc a) they don't know better and b) they're fed followers that they eventually depend on for shekels, so when shekels start to decline, they fight for the shekels, ultimately fighting the battle for actual Luciferians by proxy. Useful idiots.
>He had the Q password and posted forgetting he was logged in as Q. All caught live.
NIGGA, who logs into 8chan????????
All caught LIES
Made the mistake of posting my blood type on social media (stupid, i know). Blood banks started calling me out of nowhere, that's just ONE oddity, the rest may be dox material. Suffice to sayโฆLife has been weird as fuck ever since.
How exactly do you get LOGGED IN (your words) to 8chan??? Connect that dot son
Like your post, you mean? Thanks for the meme batter, btw
Post live video, with screen capture of this all going down, each post. I asked for it yesterday, not some bullshit vid of 0h0ur laughing like a hyena either.
fuuuucccckkkk, so someone was posting as anon with your login info? fuuuuccckkkkk! KEK
Handler cracks whip, shills expose themselves even against their will. Counterproductive, but hey, whatever keeps their bills paid huh?
Does he have the NEW Password? tell him to POST AS Q then (this must be fun for you)