Why is a mentally deficient "health minister" being made an admiral?
Health minister………. admiral……. I don't see the connection
Why is a mentally deficient "health minister" being made an admiral?
Health minister………. admiral……. I don't see the connection
Da fuck…lol… ummm… yeah…. different genders at Olympics…. because….. wait for it….MEN ARE STRONGER…… lol.
Some people have a real issue with reality…… I'm of the opinion, that if you can't live in the "real world", go crawl back under a rock.
Schools are so shit now…. that they need mental health support.
Maybe change the curriculum rather than brainfucking the kids.
This bitch would be dead, if I had a finger on an electrocution button.
Just non stop shit…. Republicans are ruining the country….ffs.
"subvert the constitution itself"….. unbelievable.
How she doesn't catch on fire, as she speaks…. is beyond me… like skiing moguls, from one lie to the next.
Me on button^^^^^^
Did you have a problem understanding?
Move forwards….. "for the American people"….. bullshit.
"because it won't"….. fuck off and don't ask me that question again.
"Trans gender right ….. for kids"….
Fuck the boats…. I'll make this argument about gender issues.
>cars will fly off the shelf!
>( ok, not literally fly!)
Then those are the crappy model…. I'll take mine over that.
Well that sucked… why even have a press conference if it's all bullshit and you won't answer simple questions.
Well…. schools are doomed if people don't stand up.
You heard her…. they are committed to pushing lgbtq agendas through the schools.
Hormone therapy… gender bending ideas way before sex is even needed to be discussed….. mental health coaches…. help transitioning to surgery….. the whole works.
Arithmetic… reading…. spelling…. history….. maybe some physics and chemistry… a bit of biology…. home ed(cooking etc)…. and some phys ed to round it off.
But the sexualizing of children way before they reach puberty… is seriously fucked up.