Real talk:
DAWC, the public company that the Trump organization announced a partnership with yesterday to merge with TMTG (The Trump Media Group) was at around $9 before the announcement and is over $70 a share now.
In case you don't know, the money raised will go towards the enterprise value of the firm when they fully merge.
Why does that matter to you?
The higher the EV of the firm, the more money they can raise.
Additionally, the Board of Directors of any public firm has a fiduciary responsibility to consider and often times accept an offer from an outside investor to purchase their firm at a higher price than their valuation.
Also, if you remember the corporate raiders of the 1980s (see: Gordon Gecko) there is also an opportunity for a firm to purchase majority shares in a target firm to take a majority of board seats.
So what?
If TMTG can raise enough money, they can either purchase or buy the majority of shares / board seats for any fake news outlets that are publicly traded and have lied to us continually for the past 5 years (actually for much longer than that).
Politico was just purchased by a conservative German billionaire.
'Memeber when Trump said that the Fake News would look very different in a few years?
If they raise enough money, they can do that NOW!!!
I'm not giving investment advice here, but I am saying that the more that stock price is driven up, the more Fake News outlets The Trump Media Org (TMTG) can purchase, IF that's their goal.
Full disclosure: I bought a nice amount of shares to do my part. I don't have any insider info on this but given the SPAC formation of the TMTG firm (specific structure to buy / aquire other firms), previous comments by President Trump and valuations it is something that jumped out at me.