Facebook Censors Jimmy's Video While Confirming It!
Oct 19, 2021
The Jimmy Dore Show
907K subscribers
Facebook Censors Jimmy's Video While Confirming It!
Oct 19, 2021
The Jimmy Dore Show
907K subscribers
Hunter Brandon
COUP CORRUPTION: McCabe FBI Memo Describes COUP Plot Against Trump
Oct 19, 2021
Judicial Watch
477K subscribers
Judicial Watch uncovered this and other key evidence documenting the corruption of Andrew McCabe, who was recently given a taxpayer cash handout by the Biden administration despite his corruption and lies.
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Oleg Deripaska and No Name
John McCain talked a good game against Russia and Vladimir Putin and all the trappings of the vintage Sovietesque lifestyle.
That is as long as McCain wasn’t boozing it up on Oleg Deripaska’s yacht — the same Deripaska that is best friends with Putin. How did a U.S. Senator get on one of the largest mega yachts — the Queen B — in the world?
Maybe we can track down the high-priced hookers that were on board. Or query convicted Italian felon Raffaello Follieri and his movie-star girlfriend Anne Hathaway — who arranged the 70th birthday bash for McCain on a yacht in Montenegro in 2006. And of course, Derispaska was there too.
In mid-September The Nation’s website published a photo of McCain celebrating his seventieth birthday in Montenegro in August 2006 at a yacht party hosted by convicted Italian felon Raffaello Follieri and his movie-star girlfriend Anne Hathaway On the same day one of the largest mega-yachts in the world, the Queen K, was moored in the same bay of Kotor. This was where the real party was. The owner of the Queen K was known as “Putin’s oligarch”: Oleg Deripaska controlling shareholder of the Russian aluminum giant RusAl, currently listed as the ninth-richest man in the world, with a rap sheet as abundant as his wealth. By mid-2005 Deripaska had already virtually taken control of Montenegro’s economy by snapping up its aluminum plant, KAP—which accounts for up to 40 percent of the country’s GDP and some 80 percent of its export earnings—in a nontransparent privatization tender strongly criticized by NGO watchdogs, Montenegrin politicians and journalists. The Nation has learned that Deripaska told one of his closest associates that he bought the plant “because Putin encouraged him to do it.” The reason: “the Kremlin wanted an area of influence in the Mediterranean.”
Manafort assembled a skilled team of political operatives in Ukraine and set about raising the popularity of Yanukovich’s pro-Russian Party of Regions, which Akhmetov financed. It was a very lucrative deal for Davis Manafort—and successful (according to Ukrainian investigative journalist Mustafa Nayem, Akhmetov paid Manafort upward of $3 million). Yanukovich’s disgraced party won a resounding victory in the March 2006 elections—and Akhmetov returned as the top Ukrainian oligarch. Thanks in part to the work of Davis Manafort, the Orange Revolution was essentially undone, putting Putin back in the chess match over Ukraine’s future.
Publicly McCain and his campaign chief’s lobbying firm were on opposite sides. In 2005 McCain had nominated Orange Revolution hero Yushchenko for the Nobel Prize, and that spring he’d honored Yushchenko in the headquarters of the International Republican Institute, whose board McCain has chaired since 1993. But behind the scenes the former head of IRI’s Moscow office, Philip Griffin, was recruited by Manafort to work on Yanukovich’s campaign against Yushchenko. Davis Manafort’s work was considered so detrimental to US interests that a National Security Council official called McCain’s office to complain, according to the New York Times. The McCain campaign denies receiving the NSC complaint.