No. Your gay face makes you look gay. It also makes me NOT want to imagine the smell
You look like you smell gay. Close enough
Been thinking about this today. Warp Speed fucked up their plan. Perhaps what they're doing with the vaccine is revenge for that
He also took HCQ
At this point I gotta go with, 'now we'll see how outrageous we have to get before even the dumbest of the dumb begin to question it'
It's okay. The clipboard had a note on it from Warren that said, "Honest Injun"
Never said word one about hating Bannon. Just said he looks gay and I dont want to imagine the smell. Which is absolute truth
Sorry to hear this, anon. This is criminal, what's going on. Unbelievable
I dont know when, and I dont know exactly how - but I know they're going to regret this and wish they could undo it
So sad. Such a travesty