make it stop !!
it may be time for this anon to take a break, everyday for the last 2 years and almost 11 years and the 21 years total.
yes people are seeing it but the constant failures are having a heavy toll, anon wonders if he will ever fit into normal life again !!
if it was not for this place and the anons here it would be much much more difficult!!
rock and a hard place springs to mind but this anon will not every go back to normal
agreed, it is hard to be open with talk to people even those you know who talk like normmies.
it has gone so bad, that when they talk about things i know, i have to say, you can call me a conspiracy theorist but from the research i have done, this is the facts that i know.
that general kills the conversation dead !!
Thank you anons, i had a saying years ago,
I live in a society I did not create, i can only be responsible for my own actions
This serves me well but does not help when those you care about and others do not understand what we all know now.
This last interview with Trump and O'Reilly was really bad for this anon!!
Staying strong is exhausting, but necessary,
[10.18.21] President Trump’s Full Interview with Bill O’Reilly
Uncensored Storm Published October 18, 202
Watched this interview, and it is two boomers talking to each other, both very sure of their influence on the masses.
1) Trump on vaccines (people will take it if i tell them)
2) Biden's admin is incompetent
3) Fauci (he had less influence when i was president)
4) Afghanistan, the border, fuel independency are the problems, blah blah
5) Trump, i will do whatever it takes to make america great again, never mentioned getting the election decertified,
blah blah blah
Not the best interviews but just seemed like two old people with massive ego's.
Am praying that Trump has something else up his sleeve, how much worse can it get before something is finally done!!!
god help us all, cos this will not!!
anon was wondering when the last time DJT posted on this board?
Are we missing comms from him directly and not through scavino?
if you are monitoring this board sir, post something with pepe in capital letters on your statements released!!
in and out burger was where ghislaine photo shop appearance happened and the anons decoded it to bits
linked below !!
You are a newbie, the place was used for porn cadets by the elites, It was a coded message where a lot of girls got into modelling and then probably trafficked.
check Qrear.ch
Thought we were going to get it quick with
Presidential Election
so close, was just about to start celebrating. kek
R.R.R.S = Russia Russia Russia Scam
U.U.U = Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine
university unions unitedumbrella corporation for the unions