There are no beak throughs. They didn’t get the jab, the jabs are fake or both. I think both. Largest wealth transfer in history. That’s all they needed. Now what?
It’s always been you. And mr pig. He’s gay af.
Nope. Cozy made you fat l, lazy and uncaring. Buckle your pants and cinch the belt there’s work to do.
This is the conundrum isn’t it? If the vax is bad, at least half are dead. Do you really believe that?
Who gave an order? You assume twisted sister Q drop was that? Didn’t compute with trumps comments. He had “chiflu” and still took it. Now he says don’t need to if you had it. If this is disinformation from cue then they are culpable. Hint: cue was a fake psyop by [them]. Only rational conclusion. You cannot prove me wrong. But I’m a shill I guess. Carry on with your delusion.
So you’re saying vaers is completely real? Ok. Let’s go with it. 17,500 deaths from vax. Ok. How many have been vaxed in a year? 175,000,000? 0.01% death rate. Seems as safe as “covid”, right? I have not taken and will not take but this shit is what makes this whole thing stupid. All of it is stupid.
Can you see Russia?
He said he did. So he lies to us? So msm is right? Use you mother fucking head you dolt.
Already there. Have been for decades. Illusion of freedom. Your wealth has been stolen. You mind has been stolen. Health. Marriage. Family. Depends on your life but nothing is yours. Nothing. And don’t tell me you’re off the grid no Netflix blah blah. You are here and your shit is theirs.
Qtah. Funny. Jhfc
Deflection. Carry on.
Your mind has been stolen. Most recently by a larp named Q.
Where’s qtah, army of frogs and Mel q when you need them?! Beer at the parade? No? Serial brain 2? No? Lin? Dan? X22? Matrixx? Prayer dude? Telegram. Ahahahhahahahahahahajahahahajajajajajaaj.
This shit drives you you all nuts. Just stop.
Fuck this. See y’all 50 trillion later. Muh #winning
You’re not smart. Sit down.
Clockfags were furloughed by Q over a year ago. Yet they still try to work. Take the gubmint money (mine) and go away.
It’s gone away already. Pure bullshit. Like Q.
It has zero standing. Muh directive 51. Show me that. For real. Not wiki or some bs article. It was their Q before your Q. Get it yet?
My logic is undeniable.
He’s ata party with gates. He’ll be home around 12.
Trump is neither that smart nor had any support to fuck up anything. He was a pawn. Allowed to win. Now you know why.
Duck duck. Google. Idk. Some wacky website.
So mad. It’s a stage. Get out of it quick. Shit is about to get real. I’ll have your back but there will be I told ya so’s.
Barron is mr pig. He’s a boy. 6’5” boy.
Because it’s l1000000:1 odds.
Same program. You ok?
Hear you. Ain’t happening. All a reuse. Cap this: there will be no indictments of a single prominent government official for crimes against children. Zero. So, why?
Or Hillary et al.
Fuck trump.
Dad late to dinner? Big Macs?
You can only report…. ok l, I just reported you 10x.
Who’s runs the nih? Yowza!
Liz was a hero here. You people.
Except stelter. Nope.
So ghey
Ghey hive mind.
Idk. Prolly would smash…without coercion.