The fact that Biden issued the edict on his first day shows that transgenderism is not some peripheral cause held by leftist radicals. This issue is central to the Democrat mainstream.
This shows the deep moral corruption of the Party in its current incarnation, because wilful denial of truth is the most severe of transgressions. This apparently was the primary offence of the one whom the Good Book calls the Father of Lies. The Democrat establishment follows well in his path.
The well-being of so-called transgender people is not, however, what Joe Biden and his handlers really care about. After all, Joe Biden had never been known to be particularly friendly toward LGBT. It is the movement’s proclivity toward reality negation that those who pull the strings of this frail man find so appealing. They have appropriated the transgender cause because it allows them to gaslight the American people, and gaslighting has become the left’s modus operandi.
Gaslighting is now an integral part of the left’s every move, and it is sowing confusion and wreaking havoc everywhere. The gaslighters have already managed to disorient many people and weaken their hold on reality. They correctly sense that if they can press sufficiently hard, they will be able to take advantage of the disarray and implement their godless, nihilistic, inhuman, love-deprived and freedom-negating agenda.
Should they succeed, we will find ourselves living in a dystopian nightmare ruled by totalitarians.
That’s why the great battle of our time is the battle for reality against those who aspire to negate it.
This is what the current struggle is ultimately about.