Anonymous ID: 5c1fe6 Oct. 20, 2021, 5:34 a.m. No.14819165   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Miracles are happening.


And how!


It is a matter of being open to inner guidance, and truly listening and seeing and hearing with the INNER eyes, and the inner knowing and gut feeling right now, and not with the outer.


Tune into your own higher Soul Self, and live the truth of who and what you are in truth. Being true yourself and indeed your innermost soul and the Divinity which lives within you, is of the utmost importance now.


Let the Old “Beast” rant and rave – his time has come to an end. His rule by fear is ending so fast that he does not know how to stem the tide anymore.


He is now throwing all his toys out of the cot in desperation. Yet, he is disintegrating rapidly.


Thank him, for in so doing and acting, the vast awakening of souls is happening at a vast and unprecedented scale.


All is serving.


All in truth is on track.


The Divine Masterplan is coming into the fullness of form and existence and indeed already here and unfolding within us and around us.


Remember the truth of your soul and remember the truth of who and what you in truth are! Divine!


Get on with your own soul purpose and mission and focus on it, and indeed you will be lifted beyond the beyond and into the New Life and New Existence in perfect Divine Timing with ease and joy!


More than this, Love Eternal and Infinite and Ever Present!

Anonymous ID: 5c1fe6 Oct. 20, 2021, 5:47 a.m. No.14819203   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9263 >>9292

Raise your frequency


Great one, near the end of year 2018 light forces in earth’s solar system deployed an all-out planetary liberation operation dubbed as “operation freedom earth”.


In the first few hours of this incredible galactic operation special delta security forces destroyed and removed a major artificial device called a Dyson sphere from earth’s solar system that literally blocked all access to the 5th dimension!


Another special light forces mission dubbed operation “masterpiece” involved deflecting large amounts of high-vibrational gamma light from the galactic core, off of earth’s sun, down to the surface of the planet, for the purpose of activating strand 4 and 5 of dormant earth starseed DNA. The goal of this mission was to raise the atomic vibrational resonance of starseed DNA so they would be able to consciously perceive the 5th dimensional level!


There was a very real news event that occurred at the beginning of operation “masterpiece” where every solar observatory on earth recorded very clear and detailed photos + video of light-forces craft performing this specific light-deflection operation near the sun.


Light forces have been 100% successful in beaming this light to earth over the last three earth years and every powerful blast of cosmic light coming from the galactic core has been measured, recorded and documented to date by the earth alliance as well as all earth space weather agencies.


While benevolent Galactics in our solar system did the tech work to assist in raising the vibration of earth, getting the light here was only half the battle! This high-frequency scalar light had to be anchored to the crystalline grid of planet earth for it to be stored here for the purpose of raising the consciousness levels of all beings on earth.


The only practical way to achieve this was for living light forces on the ground to use their very bodies as receptacles and repositories of light, holding large amounts of cosmic light in their bodies, then anchoring this light to the earth grid! The new 5d light grid on the surface emanates a scalar light wave which is tuned to the hertz frequency of the 4th and 5th strands of dna!


Recent earth alliance intel confirms: this fifth-dimensional energy field is now fully complete on the surface and is fully accessible from earth, for the first time in modern history!


A tale of two timelines a timeline occurs only when the one who observes, perceives it or (manifests) it! Simply said, a timeline is a manifested physical perception! Some may call it a manifested reality; however, reality is a strong word! Perceived reality may describe it better! A timeline is the sole production of it’s observer and its perceived content is the result of the vibrational frequency of the observer! A timeline manifestation is a pure quantum physical process, and this manifested perceived reality resonates at an exact frequency. The frequency of a timeline falls within the range of frequency, of a dimension.


With all this said, there are two very distinct and obvious timelines (realities/vibrations/dimensions) occurring, right now on planet earth: the (artificial) 3d mind matrix timeline: 7.8 max hertz vibration dominate earth-DNA vibration for last 400,000 years low negative, harsh vibes toxic to starseeds! 3d matrix does not include nature or anything natural for that matter – nature is super 5d!


The new 5d gamma timeline resonates between 40-100 hertz in the gamma state of consciousness.


Bliss/heaven/perfected state that manifests energies of love, peace, joy, abundance, health, freedom.


Pleiadian mechanics of multidimensionality: every being exists in all 12 dimensions right now and right here! This is the first premise of multidimensionality.


Since you always exist in all dimensions, you can’t leave a dimension as in leaving 3d to go to 5d.


Dimensions exist at the same time-space: 3d and 5d both exist now and here! As we said, you exist already in both of these, however one is usually more conscious of the dimension they most resonate with!


It is possible to be fully aware, consciously of two or more dimensions.


Anonymous ID: 5c1fe6 Oct. 20, 2021, 6:03 a.m. No.14819263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9512 >>9549 >>9617


Basically they are saying we are being kept in low negative frequency of reality and only ourselves with raising our frequency can get out of it?


Is this the illusion/ knowledge kept from us?


Experiment with raising frequency to see if your reality changes real time.


Q says do not fear many times. Fear is low frequency energy, get out of low frequency anons.

Leave it behind with [them]

Anonymous ID: 5c1fe6 Oct. 20, 2021, 6:05 a.m. No.14819270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9477


Raise your frequency and you switch reality and go to a higher timeline where things are easier.


If true, this is huge.

Anonymous ID: 5c1fe6 Oct. 20, 2021, 7:03 a.m. No.14819539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9551 >>9563 >>9574

What if this timeline leads to a shit horrible future and if you stay attached to it your future is shit along with it?

If you rise above it and get out of the negativity then it changes and you escape it and jump to a different time line.

Raising frequency level, raising vibration.






